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Another Angry Woman replied to Another Angry Woman

making this screenshot mastodon-exclusive content because it sums up my experience of you lot so far

“rick astley voice® we're no strangers to cum
Another Angry Woman replied to Another Angry Woman

to become god is the loneliest achievement of them all

Honestly "I'll do whatever you want then perish is the single most powerful exchange possible in the
Another Angry Woman replied to Another Angry Woman

the laws of man may celebrate your deeds, but higher powers may say otherwise

@ trediocity

tattletales are lawful evil

By, redlocity

Yes, Kevin, | brought my Game Boy to school. Did it bring you joy when you told the teacher? Did it satisfy your bloodlust when she confiscated it from me? You are no paragon of virtue. You are a beast. A vile monstrosity who feeds on suffering. The laws of man may celebrate your deeds, but higher powers may say otherwise.
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