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David Revoy

@greenwithenby hey! Yes, I started with a thin pencil scribble in the same vein as this one , it helps me to solve the 'what to draw and where' question, and set basic direction, general lines and get proportion. It's a really temporary guideline and I prefer to call that one a 'wireframe' or 'skeleton' to not be tempted to get a real drawing and start rendering parts. I use a thin tool so this lines influencate the minimum my values when I paint under → 1/2

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David Revoy

@greenwithenby → 2/2
and I reduce also the opacity of this wireframe. Then I start painting the silhouette (with help of layers) and I paint the model in shadows (only global illumination, 'sky dome' light). Then I start adding keylight to the center of interest; here the face. That gives me a direction to apply same light direction to all object on the scene. I try to keep a clean split per object and not 'model' gradients.
That's all my step and discipline so far to 'block' the scene. 🙂

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