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Eugen Rochko

There were two notable moderation incidents on and in the past 24 hours that I would like to address. In the first, a post was wrongfully removed due to a report claiming it contained a dogwhistle, and in the second, a person was wrongfully suspended due to a report claiming it's an impersonator. Both were undone and apologies issued.

Eugen Rochko

The moderation team is bigger than ever and so is the amount of reports we have to process. We're dealing with unprecedented growth despite having closed registrations on these servers weeks ago. Some false positives are unavoidable, but we understand these mistakes are upsetting and unacceptable, and we are trying to do better. Luckily all moderator actions can be appealed and reversed.

Brett Edmond Carlock

@Gargron thanks for the transparency around this, Eugen.

Randahl Fink

@Gargron will further registrations on this server be closed forever, or is there a known time frame?

💉💉💉🦠JF :debian: :verbike:

@Gargron I have yet to see any of the tripe I saw on twitter on a daily basis

charvaka :mastodon:

@Gargron Glad to see you address the issue and even apologize. That's a welcome difference compared to what I am used to from the bird site.

Janet Folland

@Gargron Please pass on my thanks to everyone, this shared space is such a pleasure. Thanks for everything you all do

Leah (Cloudstylistin)

@Gargron Thanks for the clarification. This are really good news. May I suggest a blog article about the state of the moderation of the two instances? I think this would help to clear many things up that are currently in the debate.

Harry Keller

@Gargron Thank you for all the work you’re doing! Must be hard, suddenly being in this situation under the spotlight, with all the attention and expectations. Hope you also get some rest! 🫰

Romanovich 🇺🇦

@Gargron Thank you very much. I really like this social network. It is really easy and comfortable to create content here. Once again, thank you very much for Mastodon, have a nice day and prosperity.

Dr. Dan Killam

@Gargron We need to make sure these false positives stop happening with such troubling frequency to underrepresented folks.

bob :fediverse:

@Gargron Thanks for the update - I can see an opportunity for some (hopefully foundation-sponsored) training for all instance admins/mods down the road - the Commons needs standards, and standards take time, effort and money to implement. Good luck with your work.


@Gargron as opposed to twitter where you could easily get suspended and ignored for weeks, sending appeals into the void without knowing if any real person would ever read it


@Gargron nice to see some resistance to weaponising reports to block stuff someone merely disagrees with

Daniel Colquitt

@Gargron thank you for the honesty, transparency, and humility.👏

Izzy Jayasinghe

@Gargron You haven’t reversed the massive dent in the trust and trauma for those on the receiving end however. Apologies are important, but they wash over quickly. Where is the evidence that they will learn, and that similar mistakes won’t be made. “Moderator actions can be appealed & reversed” is hardly a guarantee of safety.

Nora Y.

@Gargron Ich wünsche dir viel Geduld im Moment. Mir ist schon aufgefallen, dass 'Dank' dem Debakel beim blauen Vogel auch Klientel angezogen wurde, die auch ihr abstossendes und agressives Verhalten mitbringen 😏.



Thank you for your honesty. This sort of transparency is not something we would get on Twitter or Facebook. The moderators are human, and thus can make mistakes. My hope we we can all learn to be better, so that these sorts of mistakes, which inevitably hit minorities hardest, don't happen again.


@Gargron perhaps these kinds of instant suspensions should need another to sign off on them?


@Gargron I know you have a lot on your plate right now, and if anything this would be way down on the list, but have you considered something like Polis for community driven moderation? It seems to *possibly* have the potential of being a real benefit to society.

I should note this is what the bird apps "Community Notes" is based on, but there's no affiliation.


@Gargron Thank your for being that transparent with the whole topic.

Joe Steinbring :thisisfine:

@Gargron Thank you for everything that you and your team do.

Erik Knuyt 🇳🇱

Thanks for your work !
I would like to give some money for making this all possible.
I would like to pay it bij Ideal.
Is that possible ?

The Vampire Fish Queen

@Gargron Should we be worried about how the UKs Online Safety Bill and the US Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) could affect mastodon and moderation on the site if they were to pass?

Sooraj Sathyanarayanan

@Gargron Appreciate the transparency! Thanks for your contribution 😊

Jesse F Ballenger

@Gargron Fair enough. But getting this right - especially for people who routinely face so much exclusion and erasure - is the test of whether this decentralized model can really support democratic discourse for a large, diverse set of communities.

John Kennedy✅

@Gargron …And this is why so many people want to be on your instance!


@Gargron you guys are great…thanks for what you do!

Nicolay Doytchev

@Gargron the Reddit moderation model seems to scale. In Mastodon there doesn't seem to be as rigid topical structure to content, but I guess some similar topical division could be achieved by divvying up moderation by hashtags or groups of hashtags. Then you could have something like { * } for moderating any content, or any other combination. E.g. { science, astrophysics, aww, caturday }, { feminism, toxicmasculinity }. Good luck to whomever would be moderating the latter. 😅


@Gargron THANK YOU for your work, commitment and transparency!!!

Cliff Hensley

@Gargron I think you’re doing great under the circumstances, from what I’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work. It’ll all come together. 👍


@Gargron Thanks for the updates! Is the information on how to appeal publicly available? Hopefully only for those very few false positive cases, of course :)

Chris Trottier

@Gargron Glad to hear it! Hopefully more budget is allocated for moderation now that funding for Mastodon has increased 😉

Bert Latamore

@Gargron Great work at a very difficult moment in our history. One problem for this instance specifically is that it is a natural attractant for nubies. It is, after all, so it looks like it is Mastodon for people used to the monolithic services. Another issue is finding the right instance to join. I try to go through the list sometimes, and it is overwhelming. A curated list organized by subject would be very helpful.

Änn Euing 📜

@Gargron How are moderators trained to do this work? What is the diversity of the moderation team like? If it is mostly white, please hire more BIPOC people onto the team.

Bert Latamore

@Gargron You and your team are doing a terrific job dealing with the flood of new people.

William Gunn

@Gargron Now's the time, if you haven't already, to hire a moderation firm and keep the identity of the moderation staff private. Otherwise it's just pressure campaign after pressure campaign on the poor folks. I can recommend some good firms.

Bumble (via iBe.Social)


We're trying to spread the load. However, it's not easy!

Anyone know who runs Currently showing 61 servers -- half of which are closed. There are thousands of severs.

It's the default place new users land and they have very limited choice.

Most #newbies don't Google for instances as they don't always understand, so they just pick one from this very limited list.

Amy (she/her)

@Gargron have you or your moderation team reached out to the instances saying they plan to defederate from you soon, and worked out what needs to happen to stop that?

I worry that something like this child spiral out of control and fracture the mastodon part of the fediverse.

Amr Ghazy

@Gargron as long as transparency continues to be a part of how things evolve, it will be great


@Gargron I appreciate this response which conveys humility and accountability. Thank you!


@Gargron Better than Twitter which has total collapse of moderation.
As for impersonators, having a USERNAME central server would be nice. I dread having to create an account on every last server.

Mungen Cakes ✅

@Gargron That dogwhistle bullshit doesn't work on me, man.

Aaron Y. Zelin

@Gargron your moderation teams should also get people that know the extremist research landscape before calling for posts to be taken down or forced to have some warning that are not inciting nor show violence, but are shared to show trends and research.

…here for the creativity…

@Gargron I’m not used to this kind of accountability. I’m…so happy to be here.


@Gargron We are all humans and makes mistakes.
Hell, even algorithms do mistakes...


Thanks, @Gargron -- for the transparency and the hard work.


@gargron shit happens. The important point here: 1) Shit is not intended. 2) Shit is being fixed 3) transparency about shit.

All 3 differentiate Mastodon from Twitter.

Thanks for all your work.

West Sussex 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

@Gargron I do wonder how scalable this model is, especially due to the voluntary nature. How are you going to ensure you all play along nicely with each other, via some kind of UN like approach? Surely you need some kind of guardrails in place?


@Gargron appreciate this response and everything you and all the moderation teams are doing .

Paul Taylor

@Gargron While I appreciate the honesty behind this and the work the moderators are doing, I do find it surprising that the moderation team read that post as a dogwhistle. I actually doubt they read it and have just gone straight to believing the report and removed it.
More care needs to be taken.

Charlie Vickers ✓™

@Gargron I hope it is obvious that I am not Charlie Vickers. My user name belongs to me in different platforms & I did this for kind of fun as Charlie Vickers himself is not active on social media & we were goofing.

Isabelle Laye

@Gargron thank you for the follow up communication. Much appreciated

Molotov Cockatiel

@Gargron Way to go, Eugen. Love the transparency and immediate response even during intense growth.

Dewi Ioan

@Gargron Note this is more feedback the people involved would have got on Twitter ... and vastly more than the community would have got ....

Alexander Trivia Dragonson

@Gargron if you pay your moderators, this will happen a lot less


@Gargron moderators are the unsung heroes. God bless them all

Atoz 🍁

@Gargron Thank you to you and everyone keeping the place ticking along. I think when people understand the size of the challenges, most are understanding.

Keep up the good work!


@Gargron Lawrence Tribe told everyone on the bird site that the reason he won't come to Mastodon is because of at least 1 imposter who was posting his tweets here. He has a LOT of followers over there.


@Gargron Sounds very responsible to me. I was suspended from the bird for telling a Congressman he was riding the trump train and he might want to consider jumping off. I appealed and was rejected so this is quite nice.

Brian Halpin

@Gargron Thanks for the work. Must be pretty crazy this month.


What happened to those filling the false reports?

LA Sunshine

@Gargron you’re doing great work, hopefully we can create and maintain an environment where our own behaviors will help you and the moderators not get snowed under by an avalanche of reports. I know that’s really naive, but hope springs eternal.


@Gargron Thank you for explaining,and for all that you do!😀❤️👍


@Gargron At least you all are trying responsibility. Better than the bridsite where everything is a mystery and no one can explain anything.

Annie is

@Gargron Thank you! I’m sure this mass migration is taxing and exhausting- you are appreciated!


@Gargron i don't even know how to join these instances everytome I try it sends me to find a different instance :/


@Gargron for at least 24 hours I couldn’t follow anyone. Is there something that may have triggered that or just a hiccup?

Mad Sci ∴



We are human, it's inevitable that mistakes will be made. Specially during a period of unprecedented growth when instances, admins & moderators are being pushed to their limits.

Let's try to stay calm and not overreact while this surge goes on.


@Gargron You should only heed reports from long-standing accounts with lots of followers. If they know they’ll get banned for fslse reporting, the practice will stop.

Theo Schlossnagle

@Gargron thanks for all the hard work. Thanks to you and thanks to the moderation team.

Charles J Gervasi ⚡🛡️🥥

@Gargron I have nothing but positive experiences with people from all instances of Mastodon I can see. Thanks for the hard work behind the scenes that makes it happen.


@Gargron @BlackAzizAnansi@mas. We all recognize mistakes will happen. The important part is to learn about why they are happening - are there blindspots in the moderator group that require additional education and/or selection of more diverse staff - to reduce the likelihood of the same type of mistake recurring. It is critical to understand that the person reporting isn’t always acting in good faith. If you haven’t realized that yet you’re being naive. Don’t overrely on character of community

Ryan Smith

@Gargron Have you considered that people are being targeted? Are you investigating the reporters that are submitting false reports?
I’m sure you know that these incidents are happening at a critical time and they need to be dealt with appropriately or people will lose confidence in Mastodon as a whole.


How do we block people like Marjorie Taylor Greene?


@Gargron Many thanks for overseeing these occurrences, must be awful for those involved, glad the matter is now resolved.


@Gargron Thank you for all you do to keep this place going!


@Gargron How refreshing, someone taking responsibility for a mistake and apologizing for it. Thank you for being a good human!💛



Just curious, when is the last time #manbaby has apologized on the other site?


@Gargron Still 100x better than for profit social media who would deal with this in private with the relevant parties and never admit their mistakes publicly. Don't let the people bring you down This is a crazy amount of work you are doing to foster a positive environment so keep doing what you are, You are doing great 👍🏻

Da Gummit 🌻

@Gargron sometimes it's not how you mess up, it's how you fix it. 👍


Proving that there is much better Moderation here.

The other place uses broken Laundromat Washing Machines as Moderators.

Blackonese Jesus

@Gargron is this about the Asian American reader whom was speaking about giving her time to reading non white writers?



Am I dreaming? A person takes responsibility for decision-making on this platform? Algorithms can't do it all, people. Thank you, human.


Maria May, PhD

@Gargron thank you for envisioning and creating this amazing space. This is what I imagined Twitter could be! Thank you


@Gargron We can always expect false positives. Software scanning for Christofascists and spammers is always going to find false positives also.


@Gargron You guys issue apologies?!? I feel as though all us exTwitter users have joined a better world :)

ForeignSubstance ✅


Compare and contrast with @Twitter 's "appeal" process.


@Gargron I'm not sure which server DevinCow is on but I hope they will reverse the account limit.

Perpetual Mystic :paganverify:

@Gargron Kudos for the open, honest, and respectful demeanor with which you addressed this. And the fact that you actually apologized - truly fantastic. Such a breath of fresh air compared to that "other" place. Thank you 🙏


@Gargron I love the transparency and willingness to review and reconsider! I'm sure it is a tough job - thank you for doing it


@Gargron excuse my ignorance. But an actual dog whistle? Or is this a term for something else?

Timur O.

@Gargron Don't worry too much about it. The app still is growing so things like this are bound to happen sooner or later.

We acknowledge the time and effort you put into this platform :mastodon:♥️

Tijs 🦑

@Gargron I’m very happy to hear that. Should the about page not show the mods as well, that seems to be the case on some servers. I think it’s a good feature to allow people to assess a server; mods/users ratio is important

Ed - that average dude

@Gargron Nope. Sorry. You’re not allowed to admit mistakes nor are you allowed to learn from them. This simply will not do.
Take it back right away and blame the system! It’s the only way you can start your long, inevitable death spiral.


@Gargron We make mistakes sometime, as long as we're making up for it. Thanks for the transparency.

cozyGalvinism :gnomed:

@Gargron Thank you for your hard work! Really appreciate it!


@Gargron Hi, how do you describe photographs for blind people again?


@Gargron Nice work!
It does trigger a question though; What happens to false reports, or to those who issue them?


@Gargron ngl I'm glad they block dogwhistles. So many social media don't understand the harm they can cause


Thank you for the prompt and fast adaptation to all the changes your Mastodon Instances are facing right now!

I do have an important request though:
Please make sure, that the team of moderators has a majority of BIPoC, LGBTQIA+, female, religious and political "minorities", so that the moderation will not end up to be according to the severely restricted Endo CIS straight white male's perspective, ideas of the world and what is supposedly to be the "normal"! 🖤


@Gargron any plans to boost the numbers of the moderation team and/or employ some automation?


@Gargron I had one removed for reasons I couldn't imagine. I contested and asked why it had been removed. Finally was told I was returned to good standing but never learned what the problem was that caused any of it. Almost left because of it.


@Gargron stop banning POC man you’re getting bad press on twitter right now I just made an account today on the recommendation of a friend but already I see some issues with suspensions for no reason and an attempted silencing of POC voices

General Strike

@Gargron Doing pretty well by comparison to the corporate version!

Obozo's Mask

Reports coming in of woke Mastodon users in a circular firing squad, mostly journalists

Peer Locher

@Gargron thank you for letting us now and thank you for all that youre doing.

Irving's Zoo

@Gargron It seems to me the way to do this is investigate first, BEFORE suspending. Doing it this way seems bass-ackwards.

Khayri R.R. Woulfe :verified:

@Gargron Perhaps allow users to flag their accounts as Parody/Satire/Fan/Commentary the same way we can flag as Bot, so as to lessen the amount of false reports about impersonators when there are clear indications for what purpose such accounts were created for.

Ricardo Malagon

@Gargron A human approach to undone mistakes is always welcome.

Glynis Ingram


I'm impressed by this careful and accountable moderation. Thank you.


@Gargron Thanks for the clear and open communication. 👍


@Gargron The problem is that you HAVE a moderation team. Moderators distort and ruin everything that they touch.

A kind (of) writer

@Gargron Suspending should also be considered a pretty big moderation mistake. It's an important alternative opinion site. Let's not play Wikipedia here.

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