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Daniel Steinborn

@davidrevoy your journey with art and linux has been a big inspiration for my own creative work. I abandoned commercial software a year ago and went to linux and krita myself and (almost) never looked back.

Thanks for posting your own experience and tutorials!

David Revoy

@DanielSteinborn ☺️ Thank you very much. It's not easy to do the switch to Linux, I'm glad you succeed at it!

Do not hesitate to use the krita hashtag here or the mastoart one. I keep an eye on a column with all the artwork related. Thanks for your feedback! πŸ‘

Daniel Steinborn

@davidrevoy it definitely wasn't easy, but keeping my existing Windows + Photoshop on the side was reassuring in the beginning. Only had to go back to it once or twice to continue working on existing .psd files.

I surely will post more work that I did in krita πŸ™‚ did a ton of client work in it, and couldn't be happier.

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