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David Revoy

:linux: My computer upgrade from GNU/Linux #Fedora 36 to the new #Fedora37 went smoothly! (#KDE spin) :blobcatheart: Even with more than 4800 packages installed. The full process was easy thanks to the detailed documentation on πŸ‘

I'll soon update my install guide for digital painters: but before that, I need to test it more than a month.

So far, really happy with the effortless upgrade process from one major release to another.



@davidrevoy that's great! I have to wait a bit because dropbox doesn't work in Fedora 37. Or at least I know you can't install it, not 100% sure what happens if it's already installed.

Joseph of Earth :fedora:


@mairin sorry but I don't know who else I could tag who would appreciate David's use of #foss and #fedora for art. I'm just so impressed and excited to have found this person. lol

Sean Earle

@davidrevoy this is the exact reason I love Fedora. I had one installation that lasted 5 years of major upgrades easily before I did a clean install

David Revoy

@sean_earle Amazing to read. Having been a long time use of Kubuntu and Ubuntu/Mint; I never had a single system upgrade that was stable enough to use. I used to stick to LTS and to the "reinstall all every 2 years". So when I switched to Fedora recently, I was a bit unhappy to read they had two releases per year and no LTS. Of course, I read a lot of comments about the smooth upgrade, but I always was a bit skeptical about it. Now I know 😍

Grant Gainey

@davidrevoy Great to hear - I'm on F36 and will probably wait a few weeks before I move up. This machine started at F28? I think? And I've only had an occasional problem of "you need to remove these RPMs before the upgrade can complete". Since this is a dev-box with all sorts of...weirdness installed, that's a pretty good record :)

Jungle George 🌴

@davidrevoy downloading the kde spin iso as I type this πŸ’»πŸ˜


@davidrevoy That's really good. Overall, how is the Fedora KDE spin?

David Revoy

@shreyan ☺️ Thanks. You'll find more screenshot and opinions about it on my blog article for the installation of F36; I wrote a 'reasons' chapter that shows the feature I couldn't find elsewhere:


@davidrevoy Thanks for the blog article! πŸ™‚

oatmeal 🐧

@davidrevoy #Fedora37 is really smooth and very cool to use... thanks to #Gnome43 and great hardware support...


@davidrevoy nice! I'm planning to switch to linux in the near future too... I remember long time ago you were using Mint, what made you change distro?

David Revoy

@shaksa Yes, that's correct. I used a bit everything since 2009, but this are the OS I kept longer:
- Mint of the Gnome2 days
- Mint Cinnamon
- Arch+AwesomeDE
- Manjaro XFCE
- Manjaro GNOME
- Ubuntu GNOME
- Mint KDE
- Kubuntu (for a long time)
- Fedora KDE spin (since less than a year)

For the reason that made me favor Fedora KDE, I detail them in a chapter of my previous install guide:

Daniel Steinborn

@davidrevoy your journey with art and linux has been a big inspiration for my own creative work. I abandoned commercial software a year ago and went to linux and krita myself and (almost) never looked back.

Thanks for posting your own experience and tutorials!

David Revoy

@DanielSteinborn ☺️ Thank you very much. It's not easy to do the switch to Linux, I'm glad you succeed at it!

Do not hesitate to use the krita hashtag here or the mastoart one. I keep an eye on a column with all the artwork related. Thanks for your feedback! πŸ‘

Daniel Steinborn

@davidrevoy it definitely wasn't easy, but keeping my existing Windows + Photoshop on the side was reassuring in the beginning. Only had to go back to it once or twice to continue working on existing .psd files.

I surely will post more work that I did in krita πŸ™‚ did a ton of client work in it, and couldn't be happier.

STOP WAR (Stefano Costa)

@davidrevoy thanks for the detailed article, it's a pleasure to read and while nothing you wrote is entirely new to me, you made it in a consistent text. I've been using Fedora for many years now. Is there a specific reason why you recommend AppImage for several programs and not Flatpak? I have used both in the past but AppImage requires more manual work.

David Revoy

@steko Thanks!
Oh yes, the manual work for Appimage is difficult on user side.

Unfortunately, projects like Krita became so complex with how they need specific libraries patched and not using the stock Qt of the system. The flatpak/snap or distro packages can't follow anymore project like that (unless devs will maintain the release and beta tester will beta-test them).

I advice what's solid and beta-tested. It's a case per case choice.


@davidrevoy I keep using Fedora on all machines and the last upgrade went smoothly as well. Years and years on Linux just got me used to little quirks and failures, but Fedora is stubbornly stable, even when I do silly things with it. Definitely my favorite right now.


@davidrevoy Hello! I have a question about AMD on Fedora, did you install the AMD drivers to use HIP/Cycles in Blender? If yes, how did you do it?

David Revoy

@lynerlok Hey, no I don't (my needs for quick mockup to paint over are satisfied with Eevee). I remember I did it once, but at that time I was on Kubuntu LTS and so I could use their Ubuntu LTS package. I quickly saw the package wasn't maintained to more recent versions, so I stopped to care about it.
I hope you'll find a way to get it to work if you work with Cycles; I can imagine it might saves some computational time.


@davidrevoy Thank you for your reply! I'll keep investigating on my own :)

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