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Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@davidrevoy one thing that irks me on this picture is her posture: she appears to be leaning heavily forward, clutching the beast's hair to not fall over in front. As someone with a back ache, I intimately feel this is not a sustainable posture for a long journey!

But may be it's just me…

On the other hand, I love the vibe and style of your drawings so much! Thank you for sharing your talent!

1 comment
David Revoy

@isagalaev That's a good critique, thank you for writing it. I think I had a clear vision from her as if the viewer was at 3 or 4 meter high on the sketch; but then when I detailed the environment, I made an horizon line at a way lower level.
I'll think for later artwork to decide more in advance of a viewpoint and horizon line, thanks!

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