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Really beautiful!! Especially love the lighting, the warm and comfortable evening coming home to a warm cup of tea

Pierre-Yves Martin

@davidrevoy Le boulot sur la lumière est vraiment top 😲


@davidrevoy I like it how it's a bit like putting glasses on (I'm very myopic, it's pretty much what I see without them)


@davidrevoy I can't even begin to imagine how much work that took to make but it looks super amazing! any types for getting started? I usually crochet but I have wanted to get into drawing more.

David Revoy

@maplelm Thanks! I would advise "Successful Drawing" by Andrew Loomis, the PDF is here: (free, but not yet public domain; a new publisher print it on Amazon).
On the dark side, the method and example are a bit old, and the author uses automatically he/him when speaking about artists and that's really from another century (around 1950), but on the bright side; the method is solid and has really good fundamentals, like the thumbnails, the 5 P, and Perspective and Anatomy.


@davidrevoy Thank you for the help I will have to look into it! I'm not afraid of older content as long as it is helpful.


@davidrevoy ooooh I love the serene fall vibe this has! It’s beautiful 🤩

Justis Henault (he/him)

@davidrevoy I enjoy seeing which parts you add first, second, etc. Splitting up steps to focus on specific components - mood in one, details in another - is intriguing. Seems to allow time to be spent on each aspect that makes up any excellent creative piece.

Ivan Sagalaev :flag_wbw:

@davidrevoy one thing that irks me on this picture is her posture: she appears to be leaning heavily forward, clutching the beast's hair to not fall over in front. As someone with a back ache, I intimately feel this is not a sustainable posture for a long journey!

But may be it's just me…

On the other hand, I love the vibe and style of your drawings so much! Thank you for sharing your talent!

David Revoy

@isagalaev That's a good critique, thank you for writing it. I think I had a clear vision from her as if the viewer was at 3 or 4 meter high on the sketch; but then when I detailed the environment, I made an horizon line at a way lower level.
I'll think for later artwork to decide more in advance of a viewpoint and horizon line, thanks!


@davidrevoy wow these colors are absolutely incredible !! 🤩🤩 such a beautiful work !

gee Ⓐ⚑

@davidrevoy 😍 je ne sais pas si c'est voulu, mais le personnage me fait beaucoup penser à la princesse Zelda (version Breath of the Wild).


@davidrevoy toujours superbe. Vos dessins ont la familiarité de l'évidence, et n'en restent pas moins teintés d'une patte unique et reconnaissable. C'est littéralement inspirant. Merci.

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