Just finished the high-voltage controller firmware in 500 lines of C. It's mostly just housekeeping tasks. The actual interesting part of the circuit board is the analog circuitry under control, which I finally can start testing tomorrow... The low-voltage controller also needs a firmware, but for now I can simulate that using a stub program on the computer... #electronics
Now the firmware is finished, it's time to test the analog electronics. The circuit board is starting to look nice after the high-voltage supply and all surrounding analog components are soldered. Unfortunately I immediately found the entire board must be scrapped and revised (it's v0.00 for a reason...). The old prototype used a charge pump voltage doubler to bias the gate drive, which was deleted in the new design, and it was a fatal mistake.
The new high voltage's power supply is derived from an 1:2 isolation transformer and it already doubles the voltage, which was why I deleted the charge pump doubler. But it's an unregulated supply implemented by a quick and dirty push-pull driver chip. When the high-voltage is turned on, the voltage drops back to 5 V, causes the flyback chip to malfunction and stops switching. Worse, its gate drive actually get stuck on, turning the MOSFET into a permanent short circuit / dummy load. The fail-safe logic I programmed into the firmware saved everything from burning up by switching the power off after a timeout. #electronics
Now the firmware is finished, it's time to test the analog electronics. The circuit board is starting to look nice after the high-voltage supply and all surrounding analog components are soldered. Unfortunately I immediately found the entire board must be scrapped and revised (it's v0.00 for a reason...). The old prototype used a charge pump voltage doubler to bias the gate drive, which was deleted in the new design, and it was a fatal mistake.
The new high voltage's power supply is derived from...