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Pagan Witch

@davidrevoy I mentioned this topic to my friend and they did some digging and it looks like it was a huge misunderstanding on Deviantart's side? Apparently people who manage their official Twitter fucked up the announcement.

Here is a link to the latest reblogs:

There is more to it tho:

There even is a form to fill if you want to opt out:

David Revoy

@the_luck_witch Oh yes, I agree (read this thread for more) and they backpedaled a lot since the original announcement. (src. ) but still, what a communication mess at the scale of a community. A big bullet in their own foot could have been avoided with more communication and a better default option right of the box.

Also, all my artworks from DeviantArt are easy to find on , so I guess the evil is already done...πŸ˜”

@the_luck_witch Oh yes, I agree (read this thread for more) and they backpedaled a lot since the original announcement. (src. ) but still, what a communication mess at the scale of a community. A big bullet in their own foot could have been avoided with more communication and a better default option right of the box.

Pagan Witch

@davidrevoy Yep, they definitely did perform a massive foot shooting. My friends mutual worded it as: "No matter how logical and well-intentioned the product was, no one could listen under the immediate fight-or-flight response this announcement created".

I don't have very impressive art on the site, but damn did I not go to specifically opt out all that I felt I don't want used for such a thing.

grob πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@davidrevoy @the_luck_witch
You could try a GDPR data deletion request. If enough people do that someone might sue them for their model. This site might help

@aral used it to demand deletion of his Twitter data:

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