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@davidrevoy They started with the redesign :blobcatcoffee:


@davidrevoy For those (like me) who are out of the loop:

TL;DR: DeviantArt created an art generator called DreamUp based on Stable Diffusion, and art uploaded by the site’s users will be used for training unless they opt out.

Léa in the sky 🪁

@davidrevoy ahah 😂😭 laughing and crying, what a week

Jorge Toledo :mastodon:


Deviantart: Is this the line for getting into trouble for massive IP and creator rights issues?

Github: Yes, it is.


@davidrevoy Isn’t ArtStation supposed to be the thing, now, anyway? :P

David Revoy

@Poulpette Yes, they are dominant on this market right now. But they have been bought by Epic Game, and I guess because Epic now co-own the right on all uploads/artworks on the platform, they'll try soon to use these data for something similar. I was sure this type of IA move would comes from Binance (Adobe) or Artstation (Epic Game) first, from deviantArt it's a bit unexpected.


J'ai du mal à comprendre comment ils en sont venus à se dire que c'était une bonne idée... et comment ils ont pu vraiment la mettre en pratique 🤦‍♀️

David Revoy

@nyandzette Moi aussi. Ils aurait pu au moins faire un blog-post pour prendre la temperature avant de mettre les deux pieds dans le plat.

Peut-être un vote unanyme des actionnaires/shareholders devant des projections de courbes positive financière faites par un bureau d'étude bien crapuleux?


@davidrevoy these are sad times for artists indeed.. Your nice comic strip is perfectly on point

hil [arious]

@davidrevoy That's the cutest comic bird since Tweety. Awesome style as always.

Pagan Witch

@davidrevoy I mentioned this topic to my friend and they did some digging and it looks like it was a huge misunderstanding on Deviantart's side? Apparently people who manage their official Twitter fucked up the announcement.

Here is a link to the latest reblogs:

There is more to it tho:

There even is a form to fill if you want to opt out:

@davidrevoy I mentioned this topic to my friend and they did some digging and it looks like it was a huge misunderstanding on Deviantart's side? Apparently people who manage their official Twitter fucked up the announcement.

Here is a link to the latest reblogs:

David Revoy

@the_luck_witch Oh yes, I agree (read this thread for more) and they backpedaled a lot since the original announcement. (src. ) but still, what a communication mess at the scale of a community. A big bullet in their own foot could have been avoided with more communication and a better default option right of the box.

Also, all my artworks from DeviantArt are easy to find on , so I guess the evil is already done...😔

@the_luck_witch Oh yes, I agree (read this thread for more) and they backpedaled a lot since the original announcement. (src. ) but still, what a communication mess at the scale of a community. A big bullet in their own foot could have been avoided with more communication and a better default option right of the box.

Pagan Witch

@davidrevoy Yep, they definitely did perform a massive foot shooting. My friends mutual worded it as: "No matter how logical and well-intentioned the product was, no one could listen under the immediate fight-or-flight response this announcement created".

I don't have very impressive art on the site, but damn did I not go to specifically opt out all that I felt I don't want used for such a thing.

grob 🇺🇦

@davidrevoy @the_luck_witch
You could try a GDPR data deletion request. If enough people do that someone might sue them for their model. This site might help

@aral used it to demand deletion of his Twitter data:

Chameleon Scales

@davidrevoy I wish there was an #ActivityPub project with features and UI similar to the likes of #DeviantArt. #Pixelfed is not it, #MediaGoblin is long dormant and way behind. There's nothing but if music has #Funkwhale, there's definitely a place to be made for art!


@davidrevoy This is so accurate it hurts. Great work David! 😁


@davidrevoy I miss Deviant Art from back in the day. It was so cool.


@davidrevoy still amazes me that DeviantArt is still around

Moved to

@davidrevoy One thing is for sure: It hurts to scroll for art in Twitter.

David Revoy

@lemonheep Oh yes, true. I started to use Twitdesk because of that, but the image preview was smaller (they fixed it recently) and the prominent display of the like/reshare 'score' felt always wrong to me. Like if this amount tried to 'nudge' my appreciation of an artwork. I'm so happy the count here is not that prominent.

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy I may have missed something but... can't I DELETE my account on #DeviantArt? Only deactivate it?

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin Ha, I never went to this section. Not sure what their ToS says about that. In any case, the word is really badly chosen, it really feels like a simple 'offline' deactivation. Bad.

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