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Cliff Hensley

@davidrevoy Thanks for looking! I appreciate you trying to help, truly. I’ve actually followed a bunch of people, but it still says I’m following no one. If I search them out though, and open their profile, it says I’m already following them, even though according to my profile following count I’m not. Also, there are accounts showing up in the “Post” timeline on the Mastodon app, none of whom I actually follow. But even the “Post” timeline stopped updating a few days ago.

David Revoy

@cliffhensley Oh wow, that sounds like a bug happened. I have no idea how to fix it. Maybe try to connect to your account directly via a browser on a computer at to check if you can perform things. Maybe the app has a hiccup. I hope you'll find a way to enjoy & browse the network of toots.

Cliff Hensley

@davidrevoy I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for your help. You’ve been very gracious. have followed you as a result and am also going to check out your work. Looking forward to it!

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