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Stellario 🐉

@davidrevoy IT keeps all the stupid people out, so it's a good thing IMHO, lol

Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy it is pretty complex. And it might be the fault of my home server, but browsing people from other servers is hard because lots of their posts don't always show up. Then I have to go on the http interface, view more posts, and do the whole server-interchange thing when I want to interact.

Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy and also i dunno if it's that cool to feel superior about having higher familiarity with net tech

David Revoy

@SOB2 Hey, sorry if the reading of my comic strip is "superiority". That wasn't my intent. 😔
In fact, this morning, my TL on Tw was full of threads crypto/nfts/AI/web3 influencer against "mastodon complexity". An irony in regards of their topic.
So, that's why I sketched this strip, mostly about people not doing the effort or low effort and then using a pretext of "bad UX" , "Complexity" or anything else to justify their final behavior: keep Twitter and trying to influence other to do so too.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@davidrevoy @SOB2 Maybe it would have less of a "superior" vibe and more of a "ridiculous" one if there was another character that climbed on a still available ladder?
Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy oh lol. That certainly is ironic coming from them

Александр заебался менять ник

I see a correlation between shilling crypto (a scam) and stupidity, so they probably struggling not with just Mastodon, but can be expected that they couldn't use email.

And if cryptobro is also fan of Elon Musk (98% propability), then it's sure not about "complexity", they will find a reason to hate Mastodon and praise Twitter under new management. I've seen a post, where Mastodon is bad because... it's created by russian german (since racism on twitter is now a "freedom of speech", you can make that shitty takes)

@davidrevoy @SOB2

I see a correlation between shilling crypto (a scam) and stupidity, so they probably struggling not with just Mastodon, but can be expected that they couldn't use email.

And if cryptobro is also fan of Elon Musk (98% propability), then it's sure not about "complexity", they will find a reason to hate Mastodon and praise Twitter under new management. I've seen a post, where Mastodon is bad because... it's created by russian german (since racism on twitter is now a "freedom of speech", you can make that shitty takes)

Evelyn fra denne andre øya I don't think that's a reasonable interpretation, honestly? from me looking at it, what I see in this is the phenomenon on twitter where people find social validation in refusing to grasp basic concepts, even concepts so simple as the idea that multiple websites exist, even when people are trying to help them


@SOB2 @davidrevoy

All tech is going to have a learning curve and in two weeks you will look back on these difficulties and laugh.

Compare that to a new user arriving at Twitter today, wondering why their timeline is 80% posts by people they don't know and don't care about, as mine is today. You don't see the complexity of that if you've been in it for a while.

Crab Computer/SOB_II

@KK7IGR @davidrevoy true. can you help with my current issue? Have you experienced that? If not it's probably my server I guess



An example:
Your instance probably doesn't know much about me because nobody there follows me. So if you want to see my actual profile and public posts, go to my instance. I suggest middle-clicking on my account name or avatar. You can then do remote interactions with me or my posts, and the UI will explain how.

Keep in mind that most days all of this works great, but a lot of servers are a bit sluggish right now due to growing as much as 10x in the last week.


An example:
Your instance probably doesn't know much about me because nobody there follows me. So if you want to see my actual profile and public posts, go to my instance. I suggest middle-clicking on my account name or avatar. You can then do remote interactions with me or my posts, and the UI will explain how.


@SOB2 @davidrevoy
Are you using the official Mastodon app or one of the other ones?

The official Mastodon App... needs some updates to be better, but many of the other ones have the option front and center to see the other Mastodon communities.

Sean B in Fort Worth Tx

@riderexmachina @SOB2 @davidrevoy what’s you recommended app? The official app which I’m using leaves a lot of meat on the bone.

Malle Yeno 🦝

@davidrevoy god I love your art style so much, I remember watching your krita tutorials a few years ago and loving seeing how you built up your work


@davidrevoy Woah, I didn't know that you are familiar with Aesop !

David Revoy

@teteotolis A very good source of deep morale from an ancient time 👍 Perfect source for story tellers.

Winrich Cruz

@davidrevoy I've never had a Twitter account, but I left Facebook, last year, and never looked back.

I was introduced to Mastodon through StartPage. It took some time to adjust, but I'm enjoying my time here.

The benefits of community and no algorithm very much outweigh the cost of time taken to adapt. I'm certainly happy to donate to Mastodon versus having my data and habits sold for Facebook's "free" services.

Most of all, I would have never known about Pepper & Carrot without Mastodon!


@davidrevoy Don't wanna be "that guy" but damn lol I don't miss #Twitter but I do miss Twitter controls 😅 There's gotta be a better way 🤣🤣🤣🙊

Jack Frost

@Spix_Weltschmerz_Pucket @davidrevoy Mastodon isn't the same as twitter NOW, but it's alot like Twitter was back in the early days with a sense of community and fun. Twitters just a dumpster fire now and has been for a long time. 🗑️🔥


@Jack_Frost @davidrevoy you seem like you didn't read my post 🤣 but since this is not Twitter, I ain't gonna bash you 🙊🤣


@Jack_Frost @davidrevoy I was just saying that I don't miss Twitter at all, like I agree it is a dumpster fire. I just miss the controls, as in how easy it was to do things whilst here is a bunch of stuff. Kinda like migrating from windows to Linux 😅

David Revoy

@Spix_Weltschmerz_Pucket Hey, welcome and I hope you'll find comfort here with time.


@davidrevoy So do you guys ever talk about anything other than Twitter on here?

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@auxanges @davidrevoy at any other time, yes

these days, when our timeline is 50% new users from twitter and 50% people welcoming new users from twitter, a bit less :D
Baltimore Lili

@davidrevoy to be fair, it is complex. The Twitter interface is very straightforward compared to the fediverse.

David Revoy


I'm not sure. The interface to post a new toot might be, the settings a little bit too, but here the global rules are far less complex.

I mean; they are consistent: the TL shows toots by date, no ranking algorithm to please with mystic tendency keywords, no random post from what your subscriptions "liked" or "replied", no adv in the TL.

These things are what I find complex to explain to a beginner. Here, it feels fairer for interactions, imo, and so, easier to get.


@davidrevoy Perfect message and adorable art style :BlobhajTinyHeart:


@davidrevoy It's not exactly instantly-sell-your-soul Twitter intuitive is it!? ;-)

Toon Link :verified:

@davidrevoy Web3 guys are grumpy that they can't figure out how to make money off it. :blobcatcoffee: They can keep eating their tails where they are, I guess. XD


@davidrevoy The art in this is pretty communicative in its own way. Like I enjoy looking at it.



I saw/heard somewhere else that, a decade or two ago, when Twitter was not mainstream, it was weird to most people. Hashtags were not common man's lingo. Everything has a learning curve.


@davidrevoy so this is literally my first reply on my first day of being on Mastodon. I wanted to like your post... but can't figure out how

Damien Goutte-Gattat
@ScoutFinch @davidrevoy On Mastodon, “likes” are called “favourites”. You make a post a “favourite” of yours by clicking on the small star-shaped icon below the post.
David Revoy

@dgouttegattat @ScoutFinch You are doing great ScoutFinch! Thanks for your first message and welcome here.
Yes, "fav" was also used on Tw in the past before they replaced it by 'heart/like'. I prefer the nuance of 'favorite' as it can be a way to collect something, or give it a star. "Like" can have deeper implications and personal engagement.

On the web interface, I also have the "bookmark" option under the three dots (under the toot). This is precious for keeping docs for later.

@dgouttegattat @ScoutFinch You are doing great ScoutFinch! Thanks for your first message and welcome here.
Yes, "fav" was also used on Tw in the past before they replaced it by 'heart/like'. I prefer the nuance of 'favorite' as it can be a way to collect something, or give it a star. "Like" can have deeper implications and personal engagement.

Fay Corazón de Aceite

@davidrevoy But they look so adorable that I feel bad for them :ablobcathappypaws:


@davidrevoy I’m slowly learning. I’m determined to get those grapes… I mean, the fediverse.

Helma 🤗

@davidrevoy It is a bit different, but not difficult. You'll get the hang of it. 💥

Just TJ

@helma @davidrevoy It seems slower than molasses in January. That’s my main problem right now.

Wayne Scott

@yellowestfox @helma @davidrevoy TJ, that’s the same expression I was thinking of. The sluggishness is probably a result of rapid growth that wasn’t designed for.



Un corbeau, ayant volé un morceau de viande, s’était perché sur un arbre. Un renard l’aperçut, se posta devant lui et loua sa beauté, ajoutant qu'il serait sûrement le meilleur roi des oiseaux, si seulement il avait de la voix. Le corbeau, voulant lui montrer que la voix ne lui manquait pas, lâcha la viande et poussa de grands cris. Le renard, saisissant le morceau, dit : "Ô corbeau, si tu avais aussi du jugement, il ne te manquerait rien pour devenir le roi des oiseaux".

David Revoy

@don_atoms 👍 👍 👍 Et en plus que du remix un millénaire plus tard de Jean de La Fontaine, sa version est toujours plus courte, directe, et la viande à plus de sens qu'un renard qui veux du fromage.
Et la morale... "Tout flatteur vit aux dépens de celui qui l’écoute." de JdLF est quand même la pour accuser le Renard de parasitage, pour devaluer la faltterie, alors que chez Ésope le manque de jugement du Corbeaux est l'atout qui lui fait défaut pour devenir roi. BREF... 🤣 Ésope FTW.

EmprexMintaka 🦂

@davidrevoy to be fair, it is a significant learning curve if the fediverse is an entirely new concept to you.

David Revoy

@EmprexMintaka Oh yes, it is. It's require more than a single flap of wing to get here, that's what I wanted to show. I also wanted to speak about Twitter user saying/assuming it is too complex without even trying it.

Welcome here, btw 👍

🇦🇲🇦🇲 afastaudir8 🇦🇲🇦🇲

@davidrevoy The only turn off to mastodon I can think of is the confirmation emails being slow. It took over a day for mine to arrive!


@afastaudir8 @davidrevoy Mine may have came in earlier than that, but God it felt like forever.

🇦🇲🇦🇲 afastaudir8 🇦🇲🇦🇲

@loser9000 @davidrevoy I was thinking Gmail was filtering out the emails for some odd reason


@afastaudir8 @davidrevoy honestly, I thought that the people behind Mastodon themselves were the ones emailing me. That was my reasoning behind why it took so long.

Now the Gmail filtering thing might have also been possible, who the hell knows?

David Revoy

@loser9000 @afastaudir8 Oh yes, I heard some instances have a hard time processing all the new subscriptions. I'm sure it will be smoother in a big week from here.

Sean B in Fort Worth Tx

@davidrevoy I remember feeling lost on the bird app, and it took time to feel comfortable. I started on Mastodon this weekend. As I find more accounts to follow, those accounts reblog others, and it keeps building. I’m still lost, but starting to find my way.


@davidrevoy I'm dead 💀 🤣 - great timeless story so relevant today


@davidrevoy new here, and can confirm, confusing

David Revoy

@Tortogus Welcome here and thanks for the extra efforts 👍

Just TJ


It’s so simple even the dimmest individual with a degree in hyperbolic topology can figure it out.


@davidrevoy dude I'm so confused but I'm giving it a try 😅

David Revoy

@SkyGriever You are doing great, I well received your message 👍

Lizzie Starbuck

@davidrevoy i wish i could figure mastodon out. For one thing, i wonder if I’m seeing everything or just some things? Anyway…


@davidrevoy that was me earlier today, but only cause I had mad delay receiving the confirmation email.

(Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

@davidrevoy There are definitely pain points to work out with the onboarding process (although the decentralized nature of the fediverse might just be a thing that is tough to explain) so I don't think it's entirely their fault. Lots of people get stuck when they try join a server, and it's full because everyone is trying to join that server, and then they don't know what other server to sign up with.

I think there's room for improvement.


@davidrevoy this is so hard, but I will give my best


@davidrevoy I am interested in sticking around to learn, and thereafter learn new things from interesting people.


@davidrevoy even tho I am a Twitter transplant who heard of this platform yesterday. Glad to be here and have a place to hang with other twitfugees and make some new friends.

I did see a bunch of people just like this. Working fine for me…I think. Haha


@davidrevoy also. Your artwork is fantastic! Amazing work

David Revoy

@Bendo2Levi ☺️ Thanks! and I hope you'll have a good time here.


@davidrevoy I'm... trying to figure it all out xD Still not sure how to follow people from the explore feed, need to work out how to really find all the interesting peoplei might want to follow and have an easy to click follow button :3

David Revoy

@obinice Hey, I see on your profile you already succeed at following other accounts, so you are doing great. 👍

You can use the search bar and enter hashtags keywords to find people sharing things around your interest. Have a good journey here.



Twitter and Mastadon are 2 different beasts. Can't be compared.


@davidrevoy its same with any change or switch. People want the same thing that they are used to. 1 to 1 clone :)

Mutualist Meerkat✝️🏴🧡

@davidrevoy I’m doing my part! Bringing folks over from Twitter, and answering their questions.


@davidrevoy I am amazed how easily many people are giving up. It's simply not that hard. I am a tech-limited boomer--if I can get it, anyone can.


@davidrevoy I love how you draw chibi animals lol


@davidrevoy I like that it looks like the bird can't fly.


@davidrevoy I just figure I’m going to take it slow and learn as I go. :) I love the no rush community vibe here.


@davidrevoy I only just now realized you are THE David Revoy who shares Krita resources. I shouldnt be surprised to see you here yet I am. You are an open source awareness king for artists

Cliff Hensley

@davidrevoy Alas, it’s not the complexity that’s getting me. It’s the fact that nothing seems to be working. 😢


@davidrevoy LOL Trying to figure all this out as a new user!


Everyone knows canines cant eat grapes/raisins anyway, right?

"Boohoo! I dont need the poison anyway!"


@davidrevoy Honestly, do we want someone who thinks signing up here is too complicated?

Deus Ex MacGuffin

@davidrevoy Twitter user here. I made it!

It's been entertaining to watch the Twitter dumpster fire over the last 2 weeks, but it's clear that it's burning itself out quickly. I hope to find as much entertainment here as I did there!

Franklin Delano Stallone

@davidrevoy most of the people I have seen talking about the complexity made me think more it was about their preference for a centralised system which more easily allows reaching a wider audience rather than genuinely finding Mastodon complex.

It might make it easier to promote a podcast but it's what has enabled most of the toxic content on Twitter. I'm sure there's toxic content on mastodon but I don't see it and it makes a nicer experience.

Mukund Sivaraman

@davidrevoy You draw very well. The expressions on the fox are superb.


@davidrevoy fwiw David, I find Tw*tt*r more confusing than Mastodon.

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