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Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy it is pretty complex. And it might be the fault of my home server, but browsing people from other servers is hard because lots of their posts don't always show up. Then I have to go on the http interface, view more posts, and do the whole server-interchange thing when I want to interact.

Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy and also i dunno if it's that cool to feel superior about having higher familiarity with net tech

David Revoy

@SOB2 Hey, sorry if the reading of my comic strip is "superiority". That wasn't my intent. 😔
In fact, this morning, my TL on Tw was full of threads crypto/nfts/AI/web3 influencer against "mastodon complexity". An irony in regards of their topic.
So, that's why I sketched this strip, mostly about people not doing the effort or low effort and then using a pretext of "bad UX" , "Complexity" or anything else to justify their final behavior: keep Twitter and trying to influence other to do so too.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@davidrevoy @SOB2 Maybe it would have less of a "superior" vibe and more of a "ridiculous" one if there was another character that climbed on a still available ladder?
Crab Computer/SOB_II

@davidrevoy oh lol. That certainly is ironic coming from them

Александр заебался менять ник

I see a correlation between shilling crypto (a scam) and stupidity, so they probably struggling not with just Mastodon, but can be expected that they couldn't use email.

And if cryptobro is also fan of Elon Musk (98% propability), then it's sure not about "complexity", they will find a reason to hate Mastodon and praise Twitter under new management. I've seen a post, where Mastodon is bad because... it's created by russian german (since racism on twitter is now a "freedom of speech", you can make that shitty takes)

@davidrevoy @SOB2

I see a correlation between shilling crypto (a scam) and stupidity, so they probably struggling not with just Mastodon, but can be expected that they couldn't use email.

And if cryptobro is also fan of Elon Musk (98% propability), then it's sure not about "complexity", they will find a reason to hate Mastodon and praise Twitter under new management. I've seen a post, where Mastodon is bad because... it's created by russian german (since racism on twitter is now a "freedom of speech", you can make that shitty takes)

Evelyn fra denne andre øya I don't think that's a reasonable interpretation, honestly? from me looking at it, what I see in this is the phenomenon on twitter where people find social validation in refusing to grasp basic concepts, even concepts so simple as the idea that multiple websites exist, even when people are trying to help them


@SOB2 @davidrevoy

All tech is going to have a learning curve and in two weeks you will look back on these difficulties and laugh.

Compare that to a new user arriving at Twitter today, wondering why their timeline is 80% posts by people they don't know and don't care about, as mine is today. You don't see the complexity of that if you've been in it for a while.

Crab Computer/SOB_II

@KK7IGR @davidrevoy true. can you help with my current issue? Have you experienced that? If not it's probably my server I guess



An example:
Your instance probably doesn't know much about me because nobody there follows me. So if you want to see my actual profile and public posts, go to my instance. I suggest middle-clicking on my account name or avatar. You can then do remote interactions with me or my posts, and the UI will explain how.

Keep in mind that most days all of this works great, but a lot of servers are a bit sluggish right now due to growing as much as 10x in the last week.


An example:
Your instance probably doesn't know much about me because nobody there follows me. So if you want to see my actual profile and public posts, go to my instance. I suggest middle-clicking on my account name or avatar. You can then do remote interactions with me or my posts, and the UI will explain how.


@SOB2 @davidrevoy
Are you using the official Mastodon app or one of the other ones?

The official Mastodon App... needs some updates to be better, but many of the other ones have the option front and center to see the other Mastodon communities.

Sean B in Fort Worth Tx

@riderexmachina @SOB2 @davidrevoy what’s you recommended app? The official app which I’m using leaves a lot of meat on the bone.

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