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David Revoy

🀯 10K Followers here!
😍 That's amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you!
#krita #mastoart

mametschko congrats! i love your art ​:meowhuggies:​

Chameleon Scales

@davidrevoy yo, that's amazing! Glad to be one of them


CONGRATULATIONS! Nice to know its possible to get that kind of traction here ❀️


@davidrevoy no, YOU are amazing. Thanks for your art! And your support for libre software

Damien Goutte-Gattat
Err, no, thank YOU for sharing your art here!

@davidrevoy I agree with others! You are amazing! Thanks for all your wonderful work! :-)

Jim Jones

@davidrevoy well deserved. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art.

The Uberfant

@davidrevoy I don't know you, but now I'm following you :D because your webcomic looks really cool! Maybe this could be something for my kids - they only speaks native German, but maybe we can handle this somehow :D

Lance πŸ“–

@davidrevoy WOW, just incredible, wish I had that talent. 🀩


@davidrevoy And those are real people, not bots, like other social media platforms;)

Tom Ulne

πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• :pepperandcarrot: πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•


@davidrevoy nice! Happy to join today. Always wanted to, but last time I tried it was less accessible than now.

David Revoy

@Darkcoffee Thanks! I'm glad the technical connection is now solved. πŸ‘


@davidrevoy too cute! And you are welcome! Love your art!


@davidrevoy Thank YOU. Your work clearly deserves it - and much more. ^_^


@davidrevoy I LOVE Pepper & Carrot! It’s one of my fav web comics! You should seriously consider publishing on paper.

David Revoy

@arno_in_sing Thank you! It's printed πŸ™‚ You'll find my self-published English version on the shop (and on the bottom of the page, the translations that are already printed).


@davidrevoy in my humble Opinion you earned all of your Followers because of how #Authentic you are AND of course by the wonderful Artworks and Comics that reflects your Personality.πŸ˜€


@davidrevoy 11k.

C'parce qu'on t'adore, David, et que tu nous fais rΓͺver avec tous ces beaux dessins !


@davidrevoy the elephant is fat and bouncy love it


@davidrevoy 😍 😍 😍 πŸ₯° πŸ₯° πŸ₯° πŸ₯° πŸ₯°

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