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@dansup I wonder how much of this cost is „cloud pricing overhead“

Daniel Supernault

@nblr that's fair, but at the same time, I can't worry about devops.

I have to focus on coding, devops and marketing, otherwise I would go another route.


@dansup I don‘t even know what „worry about devops“ means in that context.
(This is not a question)


@nblr @dansup I would assume it means managing server operations. So keeping the servers running, installing OS upgrades, configuration management. All those things are simpler in cloud providers (for a price of course).


@mrtoto @dansup
When I look at stuff like digital ocean (where some of this is hosted) I'm not sure... i mean... don't people just rent virtual enviroments there that also need updating? i mean... not that everybody does that, but in principle... well... never mind. It wasn't a question anyway. I don't really care too deeply about certain kinds of misery other people chose to live in.


Depends. It is basically impossible to make it easier than it is with a freebsd server. Maybe NixOS is about to be as low-maintenance.
The cost overhead of cloud providers is completely obscene. You probably pay multiple times more, especially when you are using one of the big three. Infomaniak is my go-to host nowadays, they're extremely cheap for cloud stuff (and reasonable for "normal" hosting).
@nblr @dansup

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