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Eugen Rochko

Today is my birthday! I'm 32, but I feel so much older. I wonder why... :mastodon:

Lena Riess

@Gargron Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Bleib gesund!

Richard Devine

@Gargron happy birthday! You're still so young, I'm about to hit 40 😭

Tomasz Susuł

@Gargron Happy birthday and thank you for creating this wonderful platform that brings together amazing people!


@Gargron 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 ... and thank you for everything! 🎂 🎉 🙌



Happy Birthday and all the best and thank you so much for mastodon!

My youngest daughter is 1,5 years older than you... - so keep cool, feelings try to trick you - you're definitely not old!

Bjarne Oldrup

@Gargron Congrats with your 20th birthday! Longevity by hexadecimals ☺️

Preslav Rachev

@Gargron Congrats! What you have achieved for those 32 years, I won’t be able to reach until I am 64 (if, at all), so take a moment to pat yourself on the back and chill 🎉

OpenSoul ✅


32 times happy birthday to the #Mastodon father 👍 🥳


@Gargron because you lived a double life as John Mastodon? ¡¡¡Feliz cumpleaños!!!


In hexadecimal that's 20 years!
Wohoo! 🎂

Benny B, 2025 Edition

@Gargron Happy Birthday! Wow, only 32 and look at the positive impact that you've had on the world. Thank you!

When you're climbing a mountain remember to rest every once in a while and enjoy the view.

Michael Kohlman

@Gargron Don't worry too much about it. It's the maturity bell curve. Now that I'm 60, I often feel like I'm 12...


Menschlichkeit ist positiv, dafür der goldene Stern.

Prabhakar Kumar

@Gargron Happy birthday! Henceforth you need 6 bits to represent your birthday. Thats why you feel older 😝

tiddy roosevelt

@Gargron It is a mystery :itisamystery:

Happy birthday!

Jason Bellew,💻🤠🏳️‍🌈🐻‍❄️🖖🏻

@Gargron Happy Birthday!! Today is my anniversary!! My husband and I have been together for 25 years. Which means we met when you were 7.

Oh, jeez, I'm old!!!!


bison ✅

@Gargron happy level up :BlobhajHeart: and thank you for your work 🥃

James Wells

Happy birthday, and don't worry about feeling old... It just get's worse from here.


@Gargron It's because of the intense time we've had overcoming many difficulties. But it's still only 1/3 of our life. Happy birthday, Eugen.


@Gargron It balances out, at times in my 20's I felt like I was in my 60's

Now I'm in my 60's sometimes I feel like I'm in my 20's .. well until I try moving or doing anything, but the thought is there

Fea the Wanderer

@Gargron Happy birthday!
Thank you for your hard work to make this site awesome, I hope you can take a bit more time for yourself in the future with the changes that are to be taking place for Mastodon soon.
Have a great day, wishing all the best to you 🙂

Gonzalo ON

@Gargron zorioneko urtebetetzea! (Happy Birthday in basque)


@Gargron I turn 31 Saturday. I feel ya 😂 Happy birthday 🎊

Eduardo Souza

@Gargron and yet you already have done so much. thank you and have a good birthday :)


@Gargron shave that beard and you will feel 28 again 😎


@Gargron Ich bin immer wieder aufs Neue geschockt, wenn Menschen, die schon viel mehr aus ihrem Leben gemacht haben als ich, deutlich jünger als ich sind.

Happy birthday auch von mir! 🥳💪🥳

FallsMom 🟦 🌻


Happy Birthday Eugen!

Thanks for what you've created here, my refuge.

Nordnick :verified:



Glückwunsch zur Zählerstandserhöhung.

Und hey, 32 dec ist frischer als 32 hex. 😀

Kalle Kniivilä

@Gargron Congratulations! It's my birthday as well, but I'm a bit older.


@kallekn @Gargron :blobcatbirthday: and :prinsesstarta: to both of you!

Dr. Daniel Dizdarevic

@Gargron Happy birthday, Eugen! Stay safe and enjoy your special day! 🎉


@Gargron Hey, your older, but look at the upside! Most children age, but never get older. You could be like Musk or our president, old AF and permanently stuck in their tweens. Doing what you did to protect Mastodon took balls. Your a mench! Enjoy the rarified air!

Mr. Lance E Sloan (IRL)

Happy birthday, Eugen, from a quasi-Eugen! (My middle initial. 😉)

Thank you for Mastodon! :mastodon:


@Gargron Many happy returns! Thanks for all you do.


@Gargron maybe you've been 32 before? I turned 32 a couple times myself, I'm at 35 now and holding. Forever.

Tyson, Chicken Rancher 🐓

@Gargron Happy birthday! Wishing you an efficient and focused next year.

Markus Ojala

@Gargron Time flies when having fun? Have a good one!

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Happy birthday, Eugen!
Eye empathize with you about feeling older than one's age.
Feel good, though.
You'll never be younger than you are now! 🥥


@Gargron Congratulations to your 100000s binary birthday!

Keith Wilson

Happy Birthday @Gargron! I hope you have a great day!🎈🎉

Steve Gisselbrecht


Happy birthday! Thank you for all the mastodon.


@Gargron i have several every year but i still feel young


@Gargron In fact, it's a calculation of the cycle rotation our planet around the Sun. :)

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