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Claus Cramon Houmann


You just backed:
Pixelfed & Loops: Authentic Sharing, Reimagined
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By dansup
Your CA$ 100.00 pledge brings this project one step closer to becoming a reality. If the project reaches its funding goal, your card will be charged on March 8, 2025. Check your email for more details.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️


Heh. Beat you by one minute! 😜

You're a madman for launching at 2am New York time, but it still looks like you'll be funded in the first 24 hours. 👍


@pixelfed can't a reward to be maintaining/updating yunohost app for Pixelfed?

✍️ Eljo #MorpurgoMedia

Like to see a demo or beta from #SUP. Looks interesting.

Marcel C.

@pixelfed just backed! Keep up the excellent work!!


@pixelfed Uhm, can you edit it?
Because: „Start a Pixeled Foundation“ - there‘s an „f“ missing there, except when you really mean pixeled as in pixelated, but then again I would prefer a vectorized foundation more, because it scales smoother… 😁


@FlohEinstein @pixelfed

Nice. I've just backed the project as well.

Pixelfed Fan

@pixelfed 👌🏻💯
Now focus on pixelfed app please.
We are with you ❤️🙏🏻@dansup

Richard Stocks

@pixelfed Hope the campaign goes well. I’ll give it a miss, but I will keep supporting via GitHub Sponsors :-)


@pixelfed looking forward to that shiny thank you email 🙂

Eat This Podcast

@pixelfed Yeah, I’m in, a bit, even as I wait for the dust to settle.


Pat ✨

@pixelfed Any reason why it's exactly $34,876 and not more?

I see its already reached almost 50% 😍 Congrats on that :pensive_party_blob:


@pixelfed just backed it. I hope this sudden growth doesn’t throw your plans out of whack. I’m sure it’s super stressful even while being exciting.

Prainbow (she/her) 🏔️Colorado

@pixelfed What about the bugs related to reporting? They are critical to safety. Are you willing to commit to fixing them immediately?



My best wishes and good luck with your campaign

Fell 🔜 #FOSDEM

@pixelfed Give me until next month. I really want to help, but I've mismanaged my finances a bit

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