@jcrabapple @TheBreadmonkey That’s great to hear! I’ve been using DDG for years at this point but I love the idea of customising my search engine (e.g the mastodon toggle you have)
@jcrabapple @TheBreadmonkey That’s great to hear! I’ve been using DDG for years at this point but I love the idea of customising my search engine (e.g the mastodon toggle you have) 2 comments
@jcrabapple @governorkeagan @TheBreadmonkey Kagi is about as good as Google was ten years ago. I pay for a family subscription to the basic search, have not tried their llm stuff at all. Their maps are still developing. |
@governorkeagan @TheBreadmonkey *And* you can share your lenses i.e. my Mastodon Lens: