We'll work slowly, and they'll react swiftly and immediately through manipulation, trickery, and force. Capitalism has to be taken out swiftly, made so that the capitalists don't have the opportunity or ability to prevent its collapse, have all the power taken away from the capitalists the moment the working class has the ability to take it, not leaving them with a single ounce of power. Revolution, not reformism, is the course of action that needs to be taken. 2/2
@Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter
Anyone paying attention will soon realise that. But I think it is good to go through the reasoning and set clearly the end game, if only to take more people on board.
Let's make clear socialism is not an end by itself. The endgame is to create a society where everyone without exception have the two or three bottom layers of Maslow's pyramid covered.
And then people need to think about what is needed to get there, and why it's not happening, issue by issue.