We need to encourage people to think in a systemic way.
Let's take one issue: the environment.
We need stricter regulations and people who breach them hold to account -> why it's not happening -> lack of political will -> why politicians do nothing -> because of political donations -> who gives to politicians -> the very rich -> so what needs to be done -> capping wealth -> how do we do that -> that'll be hard, but a mass movement is the start.
@Radical_EgoCom @FisherPeter
Let's not demand Socialism.
Demand affordable housing, demand free healthcare, demand affordable quality food, demand meaningful leasure time, demand safe work, demand time to spend with your kids, demand ease of transport, demand nice clothes, a few gadgets, some treats, demand better mental health, demand access to lifelong education, demand breathable air and drinkable water, demand a future.
And demand it for *everyone*.
When you get that, that's Socialism.