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@Radical_EgoCom Another question might be "CAN it be abolished, without going full-on France in 1792 et al" (which might not be a bad thing, but consequences might be extreme these days.)



Logic and history dictate that violence will likely be necessary to abolish capitalism. Logically, the capitalist ruling class will use violence of all kinds to prevent capitalisms abolition, which would require the revolutionary class seeking abolition to use violence as well, and historically, the vast majority of revolutions in human history have been violent in some capacity.



Whether it'll be as violent as the French Revolution of 1792 is up for debate, but regardless, the abolition of capitalism will likely be violent.

Homem-Povo :v_com:

@Radical_EgoCom @bytebro one thing people fail to understand is how violent it is to maintain capitalism.

Franceska Mann

@Radical_EgoCom @Homempovo @bytebro

As bloody as dismantling capitalism may be, poverty is a violence that is far bloodier & more deadly. For the many, comrade.


@Radical_EgoCom @bytebro One thing will be certain the greed mongering capitalist will not fight their own war they will be hidden away in their mansions or bunkers.Sooner or later Frankenstein's monster will turn on its master.

BlackGlitterπŸŽ—οΈπŸ‰ (She/Her)

@Radical_EgoCom @bytebro I voted yes but it's important for me to stress that it should be abolished without being replaced by another oppressive regime/system. I think we should find a way to eliminate social hierarchy at large.


@BlackGlitterXx @bytebro

I think that the immediate abolition of a hierarchical system is impractical because it will be necessary after the abolition of #capitalism to repress counter-revolution and stop foreign threats. The abolition of all hierarchy should be the ultimate goal for humanity, but its immediate abolition after the abolition of capitalism just wouldn't be practicable.


@bytebro @Radical_EgoCom
Another another question might be, even if dismantling capitalism may have dire consequences, won't holding on to it be even worse? If both constellations are problematic, I prefer the option that seems morally right to me.


@bytebro @Radical_EgoCom
And with all due respect, and this is not meant as a provocation, many of the answers here, or counter-questions, sound very much like "It will be difficult to change anything, so let's leave it as it is" and that is not a good maxim. This approach is also being taken with the climate and it seems very similar to me. It just shows me how caught up we are in it and that is one more reason to change something. We have been driving the cart against the wall for so long that there is no easy solution anymore. We have brought that upon ourselves. But we all know that we cannot carry on like this.

@bytebro @Radical_EgoCom
And with all due respect, and this is not meant as a provocation, many of the answers here, or counter-questions, sound very much like "It will be difficult to change anything, so let's leave it as it is" and that is not a good maxim. This approach is also being taken with the climate and it seems very similar to me. It just shows me how caught up we are in it and that is one more reason to change something. We have been...


@bytebro @Radical_EgoCom
What people want to hear with such counter-questions is how you think you can make everything right. I find that a bit dishonest. We all know that this option has long since ceased to exist. It's not about how we make it right, but about saving what can be saved. And yes, shit is going to hit the fan. But I want to at least have hope. And hope means choosing what seems right to me when neither of these things stops the flood.

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom πŸ•―οΈ

@bytebro @Radical_EgoCom When power is in the hand of few (and huge amounts of money are power), those who have power will be psychopaths (attracted by power), and taking their power away will only work over their dead, cold body.

So either 99% inheritance tax for the rich, or violence.

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