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Eugen Rochko

@samhenrigold Is this perhaps just engagement bait? I think that's common on Threads.

sam henri gold

@Gargron maybe. she keeps doubling down in the replies with single digit likes

The Mad Hatter

@samhenrigold @Gargron
I put‍ Zero-Width Joiners in my text at random points to‍ proof i'm not AI.

sam henri gold

clawing at the walls and frothing at the mouth

A reply:

You’re missing the point. 

The normal dashes are - [hyphen]

The ones AI uses are — [em dash]

🤣 that’s the difference!

She’s saying — [em dash] instead of - [hyphen] is a sign of AI. Not the use of dashes.
Григорий Клюшников

Even I — with all my ignorance towards other fancy characters — use these long dashes.

Eugen Rochko

@grishka @samhenrigold To be fair, the long dash—and sentence structures that use it—may be more common in Russian.

Amber linguistics is so fun. I’m still struggling to come to terms with the fact that minus is supposed to be a different length than a hyphen.


@puppygirlhornypost2 @Gargron @samhenrigold @grishka (Formal) German uses – a bunch but not —, but most people still use - by now since you can't type the former on most desktop keyboards here (but fancier word processors autocorrect - into – if it's surrounded by spaces).

It's an interesting interaction with technology.

Григорий Клюшников

Amber, "officially" there are two types of dashes in Russian punctuation, the short "дефис", used to connect multi-part words like "что-то", and the long "тире", used between words. Other languages have similar oddities, like I know that French has a special type of space that's used between a .!?: and its preceding word (and I don't even speak French).

Salty Daddy 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 ✡️

@Gargron @grishka @samhenrigold not that rare in US English, but not very common. I use them all the time and nobody has ever questioned it. But my background is design and typography, so I got that nerdery going.

WerySkok :verified_think:

@Gargron @grishka @samhenrigold the thing is that these dashes are not even on default layouts, on PC you either have to copy them manually, or install Birman's typographic layout.

But to be honest, I haven't memorized how punctuation works in English as my studying process wasn't focused on that

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