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Added autolinking to the :pixelfed: app!

Such a standard feature right?

Have you ever clicked on a mention or hashtag in a mastodon app, only for it to open a web browser?

Mentions + Hashtags in our app won't open a web browser and instead load in app.

It's the simple things...


Where can I get the app from, i can't seem to find it in the play store


@sexybiggetje The main app isn't released yet! I'm hoping to finish the remaining core features this week so I can prepare the beta release.

I'm curious, would you rather wait for a play store release, or install an APK as soon as it's ready?


@dansup @sexybiggetje
I'd prefer F-Droid and PlayStore (beta) release for security reasons.


@jwsp1 Not sure about F-Droid, they have a complicated process 😅


@dansup if you encounter any troubles, @IzzyOnDroid might be able to help you ship pixelfed on fdroid


I'm fine with an APK or fddroid 🤗

Roh 👻

@dansup you heard that @Gargron? We need auto linking


@dansup Hmmm, I'm still waiting for a proper LDAP integration. The current integration is IMHO not production-ready, but for devs only and still lacks a LDAP filter and a config accessible by Web UI.

Is there some ETA for this?


@ij Sorry about that, I've added this to my todo list. It won't be a priority until after the mobile app beta in the next week or so, I hope you understand.

Feel free to remind me in 2 weeks if I haven't made progress on this!


@dansup Sure! Mobile app is important to gain users!

I just wanted to make sure that LDAP is not to be forgotten amongst all the other issues.

Keep on the good work! :-)


@stux I can say the same to you! Your goldfish project reminds me of early pixelfed.

I hope you keep at it, and realize how talented you are! 😎


@dansup Thank you!!❤️

I have build a few in the past days.. :catblush: All to get more experienence in Laravel and learning it truly!

The basics are quite simple and ive done your recommend, Laravel 8 from scratch, that was a great help :cat_hug_triangle:

I can safely say I LOVE IT :blobcatgiggle:

Even got the basics for a follow/unfollow, like/dislike system :blobcheerwitch: and not from a package :blobcatgiggle:


@stux That's awesome dude, so proud of you!


@dansup :ed_grin: ❤️ :cat_hug_triangle:

You inspire me!


@dansup Cant wait to try the :pixelfed: app by myself! 🤩 Share my photos & thoughts. #pixelfedapp #pixelfed


@dansup if you finish your app, maybe I can get 5 people to join Pixelfed right there!


@dansup will videos posted eventually have a way to edit the thumbnail?

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