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Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

halloween is such an anarchist holiday

so many other holidays are all about “family.” shut yourself in with people you may or may not like. don’t go out. nothing is open anyway. respect traditional family structures.

halloween is about community. go outside. meet your neighbors. share candy with them. nothing is closed. participate in this grand communal ritual with strangers. everyone hide your identity and trust one another.

Cal Alaera :SpoonsOutlined:

@jepyang Welp, that explains why the Karens are always pulling out the same tired old "think of the children" cliché lines like the myth of razors hidden in sweets


@jepyang hell yeah this is exactly what we did last night and its always a great time.

Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

halloween 🤝 anarchism

“if you don’t know what to wear, all-black is always a great option”


@jepyang In that case everyday is Halloween for many of us! (though I don’t usually wear all black all the time)

Elda King

@jepyang Go door to door, offering a choice between sharing food and vandalism. Doesn't get much more anarchist than that.

Pseudo Nym


I love saying "Happy Halloween" to strangers in the street, walking with the kid.

It gets a much better reaction on October 31st.

astro :AuNB:

@jepyang i freaking love halloween because my family CONSTANTLY ruins holidays but on halloween i dont have to be near them at all. also you arent even expected to celebrate unlike christmas. ilove christmas im ngl but its literally forced down your throat by like november 21st and it sucks.

Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

@1ts0nly4stro yeah it’s pretty much the biggest, most widely celebrated holiday (in the US anyway) that it’s very normal to celebrate with friends or even by yourself instead of with family and i think that’s cool.

and yeah i stopped celebrating xmas a few years back and it was a great choice but it makes it even more apparent how intensely saturated the culture gets with xmas stuff, and how early it starts. (my grocery already had xmas candy out on oct 30)

Auntie Mame

@1ts0nly4stro @jepyang I love Xmas on the sofa with movies and Chinese food… alone. *bliss* #NoDrama

gavinisdie :troll:

@jepyang I got a fucking MRE while trick or treating last night lmao

Stu Duerson, machina exo deus


"halloween is such an anarchist holiday"

That's where I'll hang my hat. From All Hallowed Eve, thru 'Master Servant switch day' and 'Penny for the Guy', it is the yin-yang celebration that we're all in this together, whatever the role one plays. Appreciation, with the implication that lofted toilet paper is in the future of the non-compliant, as enforcement.


@jepyang yeah, wish we celebrated Halloween that way. As a US cultural import, the only thing which got imported is maybe dressing up at parties ... and all the consumerism ofc

> halloween is such an anarchist holiday
:blobcatgoogly: halloween is one of the most capitalist events in the world...
I agree sort of with the social aspect, but then everything else is going crazy in the meantime
Mitch M

@jepyang For a similar community involvement, we should bring back Saturnalia / the Festival of Fools

ophiocephalic 🐍

Yes. Both Halloween and the Saturnalia are festivals of misrule, where normative social relations are overturned


Kevin Russell


In light of "potato joy" so many are discussing this halloween, and your wonderful insight. (I had not grasped this insight till now) let's continue to move away from candy. Add other stuff.



Knee Neart

@jepyang my favourite bit was always the local young lads being responsible for setting up the bonfire. So fucking good

Kevin Russell


Every time I run across your not boosted enough post I am thrilled at the insight.


@jepyang It's everything we tell kids not to do. I also don't go through my kid's candy. No one is going to waste their very expensive drugs on my kid.


At what age do you stop handing out candy? My cutoff is 12. After that age I think they could be organizing their own parties at parents' homes & not crowding little kids.

Donetsʼ Midstream :honk:


nothing is open anyway

sadly, that’s often not true, but nothing indeed should be open, because fuck (retail) work.

also, look up Nowruz, or Koliada, or really any solstice activities, you poor sad amerikan

Bess 🍉

@jepyang amazing take.

Also you can choose how you celebrate it: watch movies and stay inside, go out trick or treating, dress up or not, food choice is flexible... Like there's a wide range of ways, suitable for different types of people. Not too uniform, very anarchist!

Willow et al
@jepyang this is so true! and I wanted to add that for Passover you're supposed to open your door so that strangers may eat with you, but we've never done that in my family…
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