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astro :AuNB:

@jepyang i freaking love halloween because my family CONSTANTLY ruins holidays but on halloween i dont have to be near them at all. also you arent even expected to celebrate unlike christmas. ilove christmas im ngl but its literally forced down your throat by like november 21st and it sucks.

Mg. Jepyang 🧝‍♀️ :heart_sp_bi:

@1ts0nly4stro yeah it’s pretty much the biggest, most widely celebrated holiday (in the US anyway) that it’s very normal to celebrate with friends or even by yourself instead of with family and i think that’s cool.

and yeah i stopped celebrating xmas a few years back and it was a great choice but it makes it even more apparent how intensely saturated the culture gets with xmas stuff, and how early it starts. (my grocery already had xmas candy out on oct 30)

Auntie Mame

@1ts0nly4stro @jepyang I love Xmas on the sofa with movies and Chinese food… alone. *bliss* #NoDrama

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