@futurebird @jduckles
This brings to mind a horror story/cautionary tale:
In the early 2000s, a friend told me of an incident where some (white and cleanly clueless) college residence life administrators were tasked with coming up with and implementing a diversity training program for staff.
@futurebird @jduckles
Not sure where they got the idea for this specific exercise, but what they came up with consisted of two parts:
1) Break out group members were required to share all the slurs they could think of regarding each other.
2) Then they would discuss their feelings about these words.
Already this sounds like a possibility recipe for things to go badly (as some staff warned the organizers). But they went ahead with it anyway and it gets worse:
@futurebird @jduckles
Not sure where they got the idea for this specific exercise, but what they came up with consisted of two parts:
1) Break out group members were required to share all the slurs they could think of regarding each other.
2) Then they would discuss their feelings about these words.