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Matthew Lyon

IDK who else needs to hear this, but some people still do:

- videos are not documentation
- podcasts are not documentation
- discord is not documentation
- a web forum is not documentation

in addition to having a mismatch from an Information Architecture standpoint, *each* of these introduce barriers to entry and accessibility problems

Your video and your podcast are not accessible. Your video, podcast, or discord are not searchable. Discord permabans people for trying to improve their client

Matthew Lyon

the accessibility problems created by audio & video media aren’t just with people lacking/low- in vision or hearing abilities

I have the not uncommon combination of #ADHD and #AuditoryProcessingDisorder, which present many challenges with non-text content:
- attention management: audio-only is sometimes worse than video, because I need to occupy my eyes w/ *something*
- parsing speech sounds into text, especially w/ subpar sound recordings or accents I don't have years of daily exposure to

Amber PDFs are not documentation. People should really consider whether the media they are using can be used long term. Personally I think that as long as there is documentation in a variety of formats (sometimes I prefer listening to an in depth explanation with audio, sometimes I like a more visual representation but I always want to have text based so I can search for relevant parts) it should be fine. I definitely have had frustrations with trying to understand someone's accent, or the tone they use in their voice sets me on edge making it hard for me to engage with the content. PDFs are not documentation. People should really consider whether the media they are using can be used long term. Personally I think that as long as there is documentation in a variety of formats (sometimes I prefer listening to an in depth explanation with audio, sometimes I like a more visual representation but I always want to have text based so I can search for relevant parts) it should be fine. I definitely have had frustrations with trying...

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@mattly ooh, that sounds familiar:

"audio-only is sometimes worse than video, because I need to occupy my eyes w/ something"

I said similar, just last week: can't do podcasts, there's nothing for my eyes to do. Then the ADHD hits and ... squirrel!

I have to rewind audio and video A Lot. 😕


@deborahh @mattly I do podcasts when I am cleaning(especially if it’s sweeping, mopping or sorting things), or when I am walking(I do about an hour-long walk to work daily). Some audiobooks also work for that

rhys / kos39 🇵🇸

@mattly Having to scrub back and re-listen to the same 30 seconds in a video or podcast because it's often much harder with ADHD to parse audio than being able to read it as well - especially since we ADHDers tend to read WAY faster than people speak.


@mattly I just can’t process any instructions from videos/audios. The best way to understand any information for me is quality text plus diagrams. Any video longer than thirty seconds I just can’t watch till the end. Like, I have no issues watching a movie in cinema, I get distracted, but get back watching movies/series at home, but other videos - I just drift off and don’t get anything


@mattly also searchability, availability offline/away from the office, usability in a datacentre environment (noisy, busy, potentially physically hazardous if some muppet has the floortiles up without warning again).

my basic rule of documentation is:
can you print it out, stick it in a folder and refer to it during a full power-outage?
you don't actually need to do that for all the docs but at a basic level it sets the expectation that you might need it in less than ideal circumstances


@mattly (also, speed-reader. don't make me watch someone read out their pre-written script at the speed of a 5-yo kid taking their class reading turn reluctantly. I will *not* be watching more than 10 seconds, and will live without whatever the answer might have been instead)

Crazy Pony

@mattly also, Discord does require an active phone number to join to be able to read anything.

Ben S.

@crazy_pony @mattly I think this is only the case for some Discord "servers" as I'm in a couple dozen of them without ever having given them my phone number.

Crazy Pony

No, its Discord themself who enforces this

Any time i tried, on different computers, to join a guild as guest or to set up an account, Discord immediately required to tell them my phone number to get a SMS code for verification


Ben S.

@crazy_pony @mattly I'm saying it's a per-server setting. It's possible that your guild server was configured to allow only verified accounts to join, which is sometimes done to prevent spammers/scammers from joining.

Niko :neofox_flag_nb_256: :neofox_flag_trans_256:

@HunterZ nope it's not per server
this UI pops up as soon as your account is made and initial WebSocket connection is made to discord's servers, they then prompt you for phone number verification if they think you're suspicious (any VPN/Tor user at all will get this pretty quickly) before you've even joined a server


I have 3 Discord accounts and none of them has ever required a phone number.

@crazy_pony @HunterZ @mattly

LA Legault 🍉

@mattly @kristinHenry

Courts consider all these things documentation

LA Legault 🍉

@mattly @kristinHenry

I think we should strive for accessibility in all mediums but some accessibility issues are people who have a tough time reading (dyslexia) and need visual mediums.

keithzg Far easier to autogenerate something from structured text documentation that can work for such people than the other way around, though, and it's especially important to nail the text documentation first when most videos are on third-party platforms and could just disappear tomorrow — much easier to widely replicate text than gigabytes of videos. (I have literally now several times run into obscure little projects where their usage "documentation" is YouTube videos...which are no longer available.) Far easier to autogenerate something from structured text documentation that can work for such people than the other way around, though, and it's especially important to nail the text documentation first when most videos are on third-party platforms and could just disappear tomorrow — much easier to widely replicate text than gigabytes of videos. (I have literally now several times run into obscure little projects where their...


@mattly I'd say forums are OK for very small things, as long as they are indexable, and that images don't disappear or require an account to view…

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@mattly all of the aformentioned media are inherently ableist and #Discord is an #InformationBlackhole with unacceotable #ToS!

- Whereas written #documentation is trivially transferable.and translateable: #TextToSpeech works for over a quarter century fine...

Quentin Stafford-Fraser

@mattly And a ‘Knowledge Base’ just shows that your company is too lazy to write proper, structured documentation. 🙂


@mattly Discord is also notorious for demanding a phone number verification. I have had months where I have had no SIM in my phone. I was fine without it, a website that insists on knowing my number can go pound sand.

Denys Séguret


A problem with videos/audios is that you don't control the flow. And the information flow is always incredibly slow compared to reading.

Personally, I *can't* watch a video. After a few seconds I must give up and do something else.

Curtis Carter

@mattly admittedly though, something is better than nothing. Unless it's just an LLM guessing at what options/features do.

Lewis Cowles

You just reminded me I have to edit zoom transcript of a video from today.

I wish there were tools to turn these things into better documentation; and improve the access and indexing into these tools.

Mostly I have to remove nonsense and then change `cause` and `calls` into CORS


@mattly i'd add that tutorials and blogposts are not documentation too... Blogposts and tutorials usually dont need be exhaustive, its terrible when the only source of information is a tutorial exposing a new functionality that doesnt cover what you need.


@mattly I mean if your podcast has appropriate chapters that indicate the sections of your tutorial, you can most certainly go back and watch the appropriate section of the podcast to find what you were looking for. I disagree for that reason specifically.

James Bradbury

@mattly I have no diagnosed disability, but find video annoying. Text proceeds at my very variable pace, controlled intuitively by the way I move my eyes (and occasionally scroll).



Duh! Just realised that this is why I struggle with accents, even while I love diverse accents. I often take a notebook with me to any public talks or lectures, because seeing my notes as I write helps me to process what I’ve heard more effectively.

Thomas Touhey

@mattly I disagree. Anything done aside the main product is documentation; even comments or e-mails on a mailing-list.

I agree on the fact it's not accessible, on the fact that a good and organized written documentation is important for a product or tool to pass the test of time. But most people do not know how to do that, or are not willing, so this message may dissuade them from doing anything.

Instead, you can insist on the fact that videos, forums and so on are a start.

Heathen ➡️ AnthrOhio

Can you add the hashtag disability for a wider audience to see this in their feeds? Thank you very much.

Dave/Loebas :verified_pride:

@mattly Wiki's and (searchable) forums should be mandatory for all software/hardware projects

Chelivan Hebrusel

@mattly As someone who WORKS in documentation: I know this, but upper management does not. The documentation group gets shuffled around more often than a blackjack deck in a casino. Several years back, we landed under the marketing structure, and the VP of marketing decided that we were the perfect minions to make marketing videos for him. All of our product lines had to have videos (because his son worked in tech and his son loved videos! that was his favorite form of documentation!). We had to make videos to demonstrate tools that only had a command-line interface. It was insanely frustrating. More so because I hate videos as documentation, too, and I couldn't try to put myself in the customer's shoes without thinking "the customer is going to hate us for this."

@mattly As someone who WORKS in documentation: I know this, but upper management does not. The documentation group gets shuffled around more often than a blackjack deck in a casino. Several years back, we landed under the marketing structure, and the VP of marketing decided that we were the perfect minions to make marketing videos for him. All of our product lines had to have videos (because his son worked in tech and his son loved videos! that was his favorite form of documentation!). We had to...

DHeadshot's Alt

Though at least a web forum is usually search-engine-friendly?

Kristoffer Lawson

@mattly it's not just accessibility either. You seriously expect me to watch some 30 minute video or listen to your rambling podcast to figure out how to use your thing?

Not happening.

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