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3 posts total
Matthew Lyon

Github is telling me that because of my role in “the software supply chain” I am no longer allowed to disable 2FA on my account

and quite frankly there’s nothing else you could have said that would have given me a greater desire to remove 2FA from my GitHub account

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Jesse Cooke

@mattly The stakes are higher now after incidents like xz; we all need to do what we can to support a safe environment. I feel like there's an analogy to vaccines here that may be worth considering: a relatively minor thing for the greater good.

Erin Kissane

@mattly I got this too, so I don't think they're being real picky about the, uh, contributions.

Matthew Lyon

IDK who else needs to hear this, but some people still do:

- videos are not documentation
- podcasts are not documentation
- discord is not documentation
- a web forum is not documentation

in addition to having a mismatch from an Information Architecture standpoint, *each* of these introduce barriers to entry and accessibility problems

Your video and your podcast are not accessible. Your video, podcast, or discord are not searchable. Discord permabans people for trying to improve their client

IDK who else needs to hear this, but some people still do:

- videos are not documentation
- podcasts are not documentation
- discord is not documentation
- a web forum is not documentation

in addition to having a mismatch from an Information Architecture standpoint, *each* of these introduce barriers to entry and accessibility problems

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Chelivan Hebrusel

@mattly As someone who WORKS in documentation: I know this, but upper management does not. The documentation group gets shuffled around more often than a blackjack deck in a casino. Several years back, we landed under the marketing structure, and the VP of marketing decided that we were the perfect minions to make marketing videos for him. All of our product lines had to have videos (because his son worked in tech and his son loved videos! that was his favorite form of documentation!). We had to make videos to demonstrate tools that only had a command-line interface. It was insanely frustrating. More so because I hate videos as documentation, too, and I couldn't try to put myself in the customer's shoes without thinking "the customer is going to hate us for this."

@mattly As someone who WORKS in documentation: I know this, but upper management does not. The documentation group gets shuffled around more often than a blackjack deck in a casino. Several years back, we landed under the marketing structure, and the VP of marketing decided that we were the perfect minions to make marketing videos for him. All of our product lines had to have videos (because his son worked in tech and his son loved videos! that was his favorite form of documentation!). We had to...

DHeadshot's Alt

Though at least a web forum is usually search-engine-friendly?

Kristoffer Lawson

@mattly it's not just accessibility either. You seriously expect me to watch some 30 minute video or listen to your rambling podcast to figure out how to use your thing?

Not happening.

Matthew Lyon

the downside to working in a lisp, even for a little bit, is that you are forever fucked when it comes to operator precedence. You’ve tasted something better and will forever rue the choices we as a culture have made which led to such a concpet as “spot the funny punctuation that’s more important than the other funny punctuation”

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Matthew Lyon

I mean the real kicker here is, if you want to make infix notation with order of operations _readable_, you either have to:
- break up operations into multiple statements with only equivalent operators
- use parenthesis to group operations whether you need them or not

I vaguley remember one C-like language which forced these rules on you, but most don’t

Josh Susser

@mattly I still like Smalltalk precedence. Every method is unary, binary, or keyword. Infix math operators are all binary and every one has the same precedence, so you use more parens but you're never confused.

Woke Leftist Trash

@mattly this is one thing I have rued as I descended into Haskell. They even make it easy for users to add more infix operators and define their precedence.

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