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@cavyherd i’d say advertising is inherently antithetical to consent and respecting boundaries



Certanly as practiced.

But I also do see a real need for *some* sort of communication between sellers & buyers. Otherwise, how the hell do you find that tool you need to get, for example? Or the next book you want to read? Or telling your friends about this great bakery you just discovered? Or to let your community know that your heirloom garden now has produce available to sell?

There is a definite need for SOME sort of market place info exchange. >



A huge piece of where we've gone wrong is that advertising has become its own extractive industry. This goes back farther than the internet, but publishing & broadcasting generally where the Money regards the "content" as a vector for the advertising, & the audience sees the advertising as a contaminant in the content.

It seems that creation and selling are fundamentally at odds, even though selling is pointless without creation, & creation can't survive without at least SOME selling.

Steve Leach

@cavyherd @esther Those tools that persist long enough to be generic things I find out about. And as for the next book I want to read? Honestly, I'm 46 and I'm not sure if I can recall ever seeing or hearing an ad for a book. Never occurred to me before, but books are basically a word of mouth phenomenon and really don't get marketed much - they do that themselves. And I *tell* my friends about the bakery (I don't buy ads). No. I listen to news, I read, etc. And I ignore literally all ads.


@stevenaleach @esther

I am likewise conditioned to ignore ads. To the degree to which, if someone tries to emphasize pretty much *anything* in visual or textual form, it parses as an add, and becomes invisible. Hence, "banner blindness."

Also, "In whose interest is it that I notice/believe this thing I'm being told" is a strong filter. Also, is the teller paying to have the information exposed to a third-party audience.

Steve Leach

@cavyherd @esther And as for those ads I *do* see: I have made it a rule my entire life not to reward advertising. I will boycott MaxwellHouse forever because I remember those "best part of waking up" ads on TV when I was a kid. Had to break this rule once (nothing else available) and yek, the stuff was terrible. Any normal generic instant coffee is fine, but that stuff is nasty - because they make ads, not coffee. They're a "name brand" so their product sucks - they sell through ads instead.


@stevenaleach @esther

Selling via ads versus quality & reputation (word of mouth). Yep. Strong contra-indicator.

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