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Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!

@organicmaps In the meantime I can see your app is still available on F-Droid. Which privacy-conscious Android users should always prefer over the Google Play Store whenever possible. #FDroid #Google #OrganicMaps @fdroidorg


@losttourist @organicmaps @fdroidorg the F-Droid version is lacking play location services integration though, making positioning slower and more battery intensive.
(Just to put that out there, that switching to the F-Droid version might not be in everyone's interest)

Organic Maps

@mxk @losttourist @fdroidorg you can install version from GitHub using Obtainium, it has location services.


@organicmaps @mxk @losttourist @fdroidorg

You could also look into using #microg's location client library. It's a FOSS re-implementation of Google's proprietary client lib that works with the official GMS.

Depending on this library would be permissible on F-droid as it's FOSS.

The app would be marked with the unfree net anti-feature of course. I don't know whether disabling the feature by default could remedy that, perhaps @rugk or @IzzyOnDroid are more knowledgable here.


@mxk @losttourist @organicmaps @fdroidorg But at least it works on degoogled phones and Sailfish OS.

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