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Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

I'm just not interested in signing up again to be abused by Apple forever in order to increase sales by 1% and thats assuming that 1% even earns back the cost of a developer account + notarization + having to buy new hardware every few years as Apple drops support for it



Seriously, when I was porting Spectrum Break to mobile, some friends from SnowedIn were kind enough to let me test on their array of iPhones.

I also borrowed an old Mac laptop from a friend's father to submit the release... but I couldn't submit the build because it had to be sent from a NEW mac which was $2k.

I was broke and couldn't afford 2k, so I never ended up releasing it on iPhone. A few months later, a copy cat game was released on iPhone that looked eerily similar to my game.

Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

@JHein sometime during support of MidBoss our mac mini basically aged out of being able to even be used for standalone builds, so yeah very similar experience

and it's so much worse nowadays

Giles Goat

@eniko Long story made short, I think we released 7 ? 8 games on iOS, they ALL got VERY GOOD reviews/been mentioned on magazines/sites/etc. .. you will think "you should do some money" .. SOME .. BUT .. then there's the fact .. "the game HAD to cost 99p" .. then "NO the game SHOULD BE FREE ( with ads ) " that we refused .. MORAL : work 3000%, investment in HW 4000%, return, almost 0.00000001% with increasing costs to maintain "the same thing". Unless you are super lucky or dunno who .. don't ..

The Seven Voyages Of Steve

@eniko a decade ago I was Mac-first on everything but these days I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole. Absolutely poisoned the well for developers, even those with a long history and massive investment with Apple are unhappy, never mind people like me who converted for a while

Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

@sinbad apple has a very "we came in here to tell you to go fuck yourself. also, we broke your shit" attitude to devs that i do not vibe with

The Seven Voyages Of Steve

@eniko It’s the money that’s gone to their heads. When they were less powerful they didn’t do this, especially before the Mac App Store. Everything was so much more flexible, an Intel Mac was the most versatile machine you could own as a dev for a little while. Now it’s so restrictive, so expensive, and Apple want to put you on a choke-chain so you know who’s boss, it makes zero sense for anyone with any self respect

Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

@sinbad well its not like its a sensible financial investment as a gamedev so its an easy choice to just drop them on the floor

Giles Goat

@sinbad @eniko In all an all, "despite everything" ( about Apple ) and despite once we managed to be in the top 10 on the OSX and I repeat we had "very good reviews" in "supposedly the RIGHT PLACES" .. we sold very little, then when people were MOANING that 2 pounds for a game was TOO MUCH that been "the final nail in the coffin". We did leave the games on iOS store as much as we could .. the profit .. "almost nil". So all I can say "Good Luck" Maybe it's different for you .. mah ..

The Seven Voyages Of Steve

@gilesgoat @eniko I take it as read that iOS is a complete waste of time for everyone except gambling companies with enormous amounts to spend on user acquisition (and I mean “user” in the most exploitative sense), I was mostly talking about Mac

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