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It seems that even those who are not interested in sports and do not follow the Olympic Games have already read about the "50-year-old Turkish man who showed up at the competition in a wrinkled T-shirt, without special equipment, and took the Olympic silver without even taking his hand out of his pocket."

"Surely, Turkey sent some kind of hitman to Paris!" social media marvels.

In the blink of an eye, Yusuf Dikec, a previously unknown figure outside professional circles, a retired gendarmerie officer and professional shooter, became a global internet meme and sensation.

Everything is great! The moral of this story could be: no matter how old you are, keep doing what you love, and your best achievements may still lie ahead, even if you are an athlete over 50!

But another nuance caught my attention.

The fact is, Yusuf Dikec did not win the Olympic silver alone. It was a team event. Shooting alongside him was his colleague Sevval Ilayda Tarhan. In the same T-shirt, in the same pose, and also with minimal equipment.

The only difference is that he is 51, and she is 24. He began professional shooting around the time she was born.

Dikec is an excellent shooter with a plethora of medals from prestigious competitions, but he had never made it to the Olympic podium until his young partner grew up and competed with him on the same team.

If we look at the individual performances of these shooters in the same discipline where they took silver as a team, we will see that Tarhan finished 7th, while Dikec only came in 13th.

Now let's trace how mass consciousness works: we simply do not notice the woman standing next to him. It does not matter who she is, how she is dressed, how she shoots, or how unique her achievement is. We only see the man in the "wrinkled T-shirt," deliberately nonchalant, and create a romantic image of a "hitman." We spread a photograph in which he is shooting alone, and the result of this shooting is 13th place! Yet, we declare that he won "silver."

Why does the logic of mass culture work this way? After all, patriarchy has long ceased to exist, feminism is unnecessary, equality has been achieved, at least in Paris 2024 for sure!

This is how patriarchal myths about great male victories are born before our eyes. These images are entrenched in culture and shape our thinking. Meanwhile, women's contributions and achievements are simply erased from history. It was like this before. Unfortunately, it still happens today.

#Paris2024 #YusufDikec #SevvalTarhan #Olympics

Translated text. Original text from Maya Guseynova


@saltphoenix Interesting clarification, especially for someone who's seen the memes but not the olympics. I expect the Wikipedian editors redressing the erasure of women from history will include this.

Also, tongue-in-cheek, I wonder if he copied her pose?


Many small caliber pistol shooters take this pose. Its convenient for a firm but also relaxed stance.


stuart yeates


This is so true, you are never too old to follow your dreams!

After all, had Cthulhu not seen galaxies flare into life and fade to darkness before he put madness in the minds of men?


Tim Hergert

@stuartyeates @saltphoenix I do enjoy that this roughly conflates horrors beyond the comprehension of man with Olympic competition, and I feel that's probably about as succinct a comparison as anyone has dare make

Reiner Jung

@saltphoenix before your post, I did not know that this was a team model not that a second person, a woman, was involved in that event. Thank you for pointing this out and correcting the misleading public image the media created by only showing him and framing it as a one man show.

However, I wouldn't call it "mass consciousness". It is more mass manipulation by journalists not doing their job. People have been misinformed about the event. Especially those who do not follow #Olympia.


@saltphoenix thanks for pointing this out. I didn't follow the Olympics but only saw the inevitable memes. Seeing them as a team side by side tells a much richer story, I think.

#Paris2024 #YusufDikec #SevvalTarhan #Olympics


@saltphoenix this is backwards. the photo went viral first, and then people wanted to know who was in the photo. the photo went viral because it's funny to contrast the middle-aged guy in the glasses to the younger shooters with the specialised eyewear. I don't think it's about the sporting achievements or the medals or the narrative of being an olympian over the age of 30 - I didn't know the guy's name or what medals were won until I saw your post


@saltphoenix if someone makes an article about the guy in the t-shirt _as a reaction_ to the photo going viral, and omits to mention Sevval Tarhan and her achievements, that's really shitty behaviour on behalf of the person who wrote the article - but nothing to do with the photo going viral on social media beforehand

Konstantin Weddige

@JackEric @saltphoenix the picture went viral with the notion, that he deliberately finished second to hide the fact that he is a hitman. And there have been countless articles about him, omitting Sevval Tarhan or that it was a team event.

There is really no reason to relativise the criticism, because it's clearly justified.


@weddige @saltphoenix I saw with my own eyes the picture going viral without any such narrative and without any info about how he finished, edited into memes where the various shooters are anime characters, or putting him alongside Samuel L Jackson and John Travolta in Pulp Fiction

meanwhile I have not seen any articles going viral

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@JackEric @weddige @saltphoenix Exactly that. These are a few of the memes I saw, and none of them was about the silver medal, only about his lack of gear and his seemingly careless/casual posture and attitude. Nothing more, nothing less.

Konstantin Weddige

@pixelcode @JackEric @saltphoenix When someone points out a problem on social media, do you really think it's helpful to reply that you haven't experienced it yourself? With examples where the problem didn't happen?

If you haven't seen posts like this, ask if someone can point you to some of them. But you are essentially questioning the existence of the problem and the experience of others.

I haven't seen it on Mastodon either, but for example Instagram is full of it (see screenshot).


@JackEric @saltphoenix
The contrast was what I saw a lot too. Especially against the South Korean shooter Kim Yeji, didn't even she was a woman until now tbh.

🏳️‍⚧️ Fiona 🏳️‍⚧️

@saltphoenix Sorry, but I disagree with the conclusion: Sevval’s equipment is less minimal, starting with the huge hearing-protection she wears and her pose doesn’t have anywhere near the same “I’m just pointing a gun while being completely chill”-energy.

She looks much more like a professional athlete, showing significantly more tension in her body, which is of course completely fine, but Yusuf went viral specifically because he doesn’t.

And it isn’t about men vs women either: Yeji Kim (a woman!) went viral BEFORE Yusuf did and did so because she too was noteworthy in her presentation. It’s about subverting expectations in an interesting way that matters.

@saltphoenix Sorry, but I disagree with the conclusion: Sevval’s equipment is less minimal, starting with the huge hearing-protection she wears and her pose doesn’t have anywhere near the same “I’m just pointing a gun while being completely chill”-energy.

She looks much more like a professional athlete, showing significantly more tension in her body, which is of course completely fine, but Yusuf went viral specifically because he doesn’t.

🏳️‍⚧️ Fiona 🏳️‍⚧️

@saltphoenix To extend on that a bit more: Both Yeji and Yusuf won silver, not gold. Yet few people have heard about those who won gold. Clearly showing that this is not about “who is best?”, but about “who amongst those that are really good is interesting?”.

Claiming sexism here is in fact actively harmful, because of how easy it is to debunk the accusation and thereby take credibility away from cases where sexism might genuinely play a role. It’s the “crying wolf”-problem all over again!


@saltphoenix Great. I even did not watch it, but only the picture and meme about the guy got distributed.

I don't know, but I think the style of the pose he pulled off a little bit more convincingly, because of his age.

Now knowing that this was a team effort, I would prefer memes which build on the team effort or as "counter weight" build memes with just her instead of just him.

Sheri Gulam

@saltphoenix » original text from Maya Guseynova

Thanks for crediting the original author, maybe you could include the link to original?


@vort3 @saltphoenix I'd be interested to know if the author is someone other than this Maya Guseynova


@saltphoenix yea, but he's literally "a dude you see grocery shopping or walkig down the street". She still has ear protection and what i assume is a cap to reduce glare or something so she doesn't look like someone who you'd just see crossing the street. Rationally your arguments are correct but perception is different.

Michael Brandtner

@BigJackBrass But not as visible. The memes wouldn't have worked as well with a photo of her. @CIMB4 @saltphoenix

Ben Aveling

@BigJackBrass Big difference between over the ear cups and in the ear plugs.
@CIMB4 @saltphoenix

Jon Hancock

@BenAveling @CIMB4 @saltphoenix Big difference between ear plugs and nothing at all.


@saltphoenix The hand in pocket is - I believe - the usual and correct pose. It provides balance and stability. While it looks casual, this is because we are so used to seeing films where people shoot two-handed and usually on the run.

They have to shoot single handed (AIUI, at least). They are controlled and relaxed. So they can shoot straight.

(I used to do archery. Being relaxed and steady is critical to shooting straight. I presume the same applies to gun shooting)


@SteveClough @saltphoenix

But not all have the hand in the pocket. Often it's just at the side.

He's also not the first to winning a medal in this pose, and without gear. Pang Wei won Bronze in 2021 in a similar fashion:

There are many other shots from Dikec from previous events that did not go viral (with cap or overear protectors, without grey hair, without the hand in the pocket).

@SteveClough @saltphoenix

But not all have the hand in the pocket. Often it's just at the side.

He's also not the first to winning a medal in this pose, and without gear. Pang Wei won Bronze in 2021 in a similar fashion:


@SteveClough @saltphoenix

I'm thankful for the OP to provide context to the picture. And yes, media should include that in their reporting.

But the reason the image went viral in the first place is that Dikec goes against the sterotype of the olympic athlete: Young tryhards who use every advantage in gear they can get.

And no, Tarhan does not stand out as much as he does.


@billiglarper @saltphoenix I think the hand often goes in the pocket if they are stressed - so that it doesn't move. While it looks casual, it does have a purpose.

I would be surprised if he didn't have any ear protection. He might have in-ear plugs this time.

The wrinkled shirt, obviously is unforgiveable, and should have seen him disqualified.

(Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

@SteveClough @saltphoenix IIRC archers have to "follow through" with their bows for maximum power while the kick on even a small pistol is greatly reduced with a two handed grip. I believe this specific event calls for a single handed grip, but as for why my best guess is that the air guns they use have such a small kick that a second hand wouldn't add more stability and this is more a test of pure markmanship than any weapon specific proficiency.


@mdstevens0612 @saltphoenix It is more that the bow has to be held loosely not gripped. and you have to stay in position until after the arrow has gone - which is fractionally after the string is released, and the power of the shot goes through your arm.

(Matthew)=> return 🏳‍🌈🇿🇦🎮💻📖

@SteveClough @saltphoenix Gun shooting has more of a "gently squeeze" so the force of pulling the trigger doesn't move your aim, but you do have to be rigid enough that the kick doesn't send the gun flying towards your face. If there's a stock or heel then you have to be rigid enough so the force of the gun firing doesn't move your aim but loose enough so that your body can absorb the kick. Bows want to follow the arrow, guns violently explode away from the bullet. In my experience, anyway.


@mdstevens0612 Air pistols have basically no recoil. Holding it with two hands (or placing the gun on a support beam as is allowed in senior leagues over a certain age) significantly improves stability while shooting. But the Olympic discipline seen here requires a one-handed free-standing grip. It is totally normal to have the off-hand in a pocket or hooked into a belt to support tension in the body's core which improves overall stability and reduces sway. There is nothing special in his stance


@mdstevens0612 Ear-protection is not necessarily required. Air guns are not very loud (but in smaller rooms the popping noise may still produce loudness spikes from which one wants to protect) but the surroundings (e.g. the audience) are. So wearing any kind of noise protection here is just for concentration and follows personal preference.
Same with the glasses: most shooters in static precision shooting prefer to focus on their primary eye. Closing the other would lead to squinting and...


@mdstevens0612 ...a change in focus in the dominant eye. Therefore, they wear an occluder over the non-aiming eye instead to reduce distraction without the need to close that eye. However, not everyone needs that. One can train to just ignore the input from the other eye. Or if you don't see very well with it anyway, you can more easily focus on the dominant eye and thus don't need to block the other (that's the case for me).

Botch Frivarg

@saltphoenix such a shame this info is not widely shared since in my opinion it makes it even more awesome (if that makes sense?)



I don't believe that Yusuf Dikeç would have picked up the kind of clout for posing next to cheese that a certain gymnast enjoyed.

…might work for coffee…


Iirc a lot started when he did not have the medal yet. And he competes single as well and is at the olympics for a long time (since 2008). Even without Medal, kudos!

I looked for similiar pictures and saw that others were shooting like this as well, yet they were overlooked, sadly.

And in other sports too, the women were more often overlooked, more talked about their male counterparts even in singles.

So yeah, awesome that they got the medal.

Tobias Denkinger

@saltphoenix A female world class athlete surprises no one. An "old" world class athlete, however, does. There is definitely a misogynist aftertaste to this story, but mainly this is anti-ageism.

JR Kelly

It isn't organic, arising from a logic of mass culture. This story was composed and sold -- heavily marketed, with paid placement, on other social media platforms. Instead of "why did he catch our eye and not her," ask "why was he sold to us and not her?" To glamorize or make sympathetic the idea of "hitman"? To encourage the (mostly male, US) pool of gun buyers to see themselves in a schlumpfy guy supposedly with unearned natural talent (i.e., they needn't work hard to be badass)?

dakkar important context, easily verifiable (turkish source for example), I mostly agree with the general conclusion.
The original author is this Maya Guseynova? A Russian TERF? Maybe we could find a more ethical source…


@saltphoenix i need the photo of them both, pulp fiction-style.


For some reason it's really popular with programming memes.


@saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia

Why am I not surprised about the fact that in the blink of an eye, male voices spring up to justify the male privilege of being seen and valued?


@kommaKucken @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia I am female and I don’t agree with the post. The meme alone has nothing to do with her or that it’s a team event. It’s about no visible gear.


@bowreality @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia

sure, that’s what needs to be focused on.

Heroic. Right?

Needs celebrating. Right?

I, too, am certain that he was wearing in-ear protection because needlessly ruining your hearing wouldn’t be heroic, but plain stupid.

And _the fact remains_ that the woman at his side goes unnoticed, for the bling of an alleged detail used to distract from her.


@kommaKucken @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia Heroic? I didn’t get that. I mostly saw memes about him being relaxed and “underdressed” for the sport. “bored hitman dad” sums it up. Re team: He also competed in the men’s the day before. I am unsure when the memes popped up. I just went to watch the team competition as it was happening the day the meme showed up for me. He was wearing hearing protection but it was barely visible as it was in-ear. (1/2)


She was definitely geared up with big over-ear protection and visor. He looked like he just walked off the street and that’s what the memes are about. (2/2)

Mike "piñata economy" Sims

@bowreality @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia It's all about the style, particularly the memes comparing him with Kim Ye-Ji:

In short, based on a single photo people were able to read in an entire backstory for these two people - futuristic cyborg assassin and laid back assassin - that probably bear no resemblance to their actual lives. That's the whole story. Has nothing much to do with misogyny or patriarchy.


@kommaKucken @bowreality @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia they both competed separately, as well as as a team:

The author is either a massive JK Rowling-stanning transphobe, or coincidentally has the same name as another Russian sports journalist who is one:

The article is false from the beginning, because it was the photo that went viral on social media, not a narrative about silver-haired athletes winning silver medals.

@kommaKucken @bowreality @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia they both competed separately, as well as as a team:

The author is either a massive JK Rowling-stanning transphobe, or coincidentally has the same name as another Russian sports journalist who is one:


@kommaKucken @bowreality @saltphoenix @hahn_cornelia
now _this_ is world-class lazy (at best) bullshit but NBC is not social media


@saltphoenix Thanks for the additional information, I didn't know this was a team sport. The more you know!

But to pin this on the patriarchy... really? Did you not see the cheers for our nation's Femke Bol who - in a gender mixed team mind you - won the Netherlands gold? The Turkish man got popular because of his pose. I too found it funny. You are reaching, c'mon.


@saltphoenix I disagree. She definitely looked more geared up with the big ear protection and visor. I haven’t read much about him but I have seen the memes and watched the competition after. He was as cool as he can be and definitely stood out with just in ear protection. I don’t think this is about him being a guy vs her / team.


@saltphoenix This Maya Guseynova?


Just trying to check the information before sharing.

This is the event :
And this is the team :

Do you know how I can check inividual score please ? I'm not used to researching stuff about OG.


@Zekovski @saltphoenix Thanks for the link. So they both competed separately as well as as a team! (Visible by clicking their names from the team link.)

Maya's post just falls apart completely at this point.


OK I realise I misunderstood the individual performances paragraph. I thought it was about their individual score in this mixed event. It is actually about their score in men/women categories.

Thank you.

Who's Maya ?


@Zekovski Maya Guseynova wrote the article - SaltPhoenix translated it


@JackEric So why does it fall apart completely ?

Julien W.

@Zekovski you can look at the other shooting events from the menu at the top

Luka Rubinjoni

@saltphoenix I'm sad that there's very little talk about Zorana Arunović... Damir Mikec got a little bit of clout, at least.

Juho Mäntysalo


When I heard he came 13th (out of ALL THE PARTICUPATING POPULATIONS OF THE OLYMPICS) soon after first seeing the image, I figured that was an excellent end-result.

Not that I disagree with your reading, but 13th in Olympics is really great. And I felt the story wasn't necessarily about being the best in the world, but one of those always popular "John Henry vs. piledriver" -stories, where the piledriver was the ultragimmicky stuff the young were wearing on some other sports.


> Now let's trace how mass consciousness works: we simply do not notice the woman standing next to him.

Nobody shared a picture of him with her in frame.
@saltphoenix I haven't found good photos of Sevval Tarhan, except this

@saltphoenix yeah I gotta agree on both fronts: not *that* many people watch enough of the Olympics to know about this event outside the memes. She's not overlooked, someone deliberately left her out in crafting the post. And two, it's much more surprising to see a 50 year old than a woman doing well at an Olympic event.

Joel :void: :casio:

@modulusshift @saltphoenix nah, most posts were be cause he looked cool. Her partner looked like a regular competitor.

The Korean woman looked cool as well, I haven't heard anything about her partner, have you?

I think that this is overblowing things and making bringing up real problems harder because they are among a pile of random complaints about stuff like this.

Don't get me wrong, some people have been misleading, but many people already know this was teamwork

Amandine B (She/Her)

@saltphoenix even if she has the same way of shooting, I think the memes were about his lack of equipment. She has visible ear protection. I'm not denying her invisibilization but maybe that played a part.

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