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@saltphoenix yea, but he's literally "a dude you see grocery shopping or walkig down the street". She still has ear protection and what i assume is a cap to reduce glare or something so she doesn't look like someone who you'd just see crossing the street. Rationally your arguments are correct but perception is different.

Jon Hancock

@CIMB4 @saltphoenix "She still has ear protection…" So did he.

Michael Brandtner

@BigJackBrass But not as visible. The memes wouldn't have worked as well with a photo of her. @CIMB4 @saltphoenix

Ben Aveling

@BigJackBrass Big difference between over the ear cups and in the ear plugs.
@CIMB4 @saltphoenix

Jon Hancock

@BenAveling @CIMB4 @saltphoenix Big difference between ear plugs and nothing at all.

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