@noplasticshower @OutOnTheMoors That's why we change the direction at your house every time we visit! @OutOnTheMoors A 3rd - there's no TP holder/the tp holder is broken, and the TP just sits on top of the toilet tank/broken TP holder. Bathroom users are instructed to put it back the opposite direction from where it was when they got there, so it's just alternating. @JessTheUnstill @OutOnTheMoors You forgot the CBGB version where there is toilet paper but there is no seat. @OutOnTheMoors What kind of sicko would use the “mullet style” bathroom on the right? @mycotropic @OutOnTheMoors you might now have to fight my bestie, as sh3 is definitely in your camp 😁 @mycotropic @OutOnTheMoors it is the only way to be truthfully binary. Although as a very queer person I have about four different ways to do toilet paper 🧻 @OutOnTheMoors [removes roll from holder, stands it sideways on shelf] there, now nobody/everybody is happy @OutOnTheMoors @tamitha only if both are also supportive for people with disabilities @OutOnTheMoors i have never questioned my gender about whether i want to uncling the paper from the fucking wall. the only reason that hasnt been banned is the other way encourages cats to do mischief. @OutOnTheMoors @lydiaschoch You know that somebody stood outside those doors for an awkwardly long time trying to decide which was the symbol for men and which was for women. (For the record, I’m guessing they chose “men on the left.”) @LoneLocust They’re both for men, actually. Real women use bidets 😂 Hipsters to the left (beard), tradies to the right (mullet)… @LoneLocust Oh, half your luck! We have a plumbed-in hose with a trigger that attaches to the side of the cistern. A bit of an icy blast in winter (we’re well used to it), but lovely in the warmer weather! Dry off with some cloths made from an old towel, and loo roll is the last thing on our minds. Best gift the covid toilet paper shortages ever gave us. @OutOnTheMoors the perspective on this irks me so much because it makes the signs look like they are two completely different dimensions and aspect ratios which is irritating @OutOnTheMoors kijk, veel belangrijker dan de patates frites discussie, hier sneuvelen huwelijken op. @OutOnTheMoors @OutOnTheMoors where's the bathroom for weirdos like me who use other cleaning solutions than paper? @OutOnTheMoors@beige.party Oh, thank you. Now, the wrong ones have their own bathroom. (I'm always on the left side.) 👍 @OutOnTheMoors The door for the TP that dispenses outward opens inwards and the door for the TP that dispenses inwards opens outwards. I have no idea what this means. |
I'm OK with BYOTP.