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Has anyone made a spreadsheet with a different tiling yet?
Like the obvious one is hexagons.
Where's my hexagonal spreadsheet?


@foone foone that is not what hexagonal architecture is

Thomas 🔭✨

@foone Improv had cells separate from formula, but it was cells in a normal tabular grid

Adrian Cochrane

@foone Hmmmm.... I've been discussing the notion of a 3-axis joystick for working with 3D graphics, sounds like something your spreadsheet would want!

Joseph C. Osborn

@alcinnz @foone Ted Nelson’s ZigZag does the n-dimensional, ragged row spreadsheet thing for orthogonally connected grids. It was patented but the patent expired in 2019 per Wikipedia.


@foone You've reminded me of the form agnostic word processor/spreadsheet/presentation DIY concepts of the late 80s and early 90s. Imma go mourn their loss over a coffee.


@antijingoist @foone At some point between lotus 1-2-3 and Claris Works I recall playing with a janky 'everything' tool that wasn't hypercard or any of the 'wordiverse'. Unsure if tech demo. Dad was always bringing weird hardware and software home. Will see if he recalls.


@foone how about 3D spreadsheet (spreadcube?)

Yuki 膤 ❄️ 🏳️‍⚧️ that's it, I'm refusing to do my accounting on anything that doesn't offer a Penrose tiling


@foone I always thought there ought to be one in polar coordinates

Fi, infosec-aspected


that'd be the kind of thing I'd expect from BeOs

Alexander Dyas

@munin @foone Each cell would have a bunch of user definable metadata


@foone I experienced so many emotions after reading this that my wife noticed, and so I told her and she proceeded to experience emotions (she loves spreadsheets).

HP van Braam :verified:

@foone oh shoot, now I have to make this... THANKS FOONE.

I'll let you know... 😄

HP van Braam :verified:

@foone I'm thinking 3d coordinate system, the middle of your sheet is 0,0,0. That way you can still do things like SUM(0:0:0, 0:10:0]) but! it can go diagonal as well.

I'm considering how to do complex selections, I think some fun can be had by having paths instead of just boring ranges.


@foone Ted Nelson's ZigZag is kinda like an N-dimensional spreadsheet where you can rotate dimensions in and out of the two on the screen.


@foone It wasn't a spreadsheet, but I seem to recall a game creation toolkit that used a spreadsheet-like interface for text dialogs.

In addition to columns and rows, it did 'over' and 'under' (accessible by holding a key) for font choices and text effects so that every cell was connected to six other cells.

Hiro Lynx 🐾♫🐧

@foone @lenno Computers are powerful enough, we need to evolve to aperiodic spreadsheets!

Brian Danger Hicks

@foone stunning the rest of the accountants with my aperiodic spreadsheet

Lion abt not making pride puns

@foone You've presumably heard about Ted Nelson's zzstructures, right?

Dane Henson

@foone in Battlestar Galactica they always had a notch at the top of their rectangular media, and it made me wonder if their way of drawing grids was different too.


@foone My first thought was about keyboard navigation and now I'm thinking of a keyboard with an hexagonal arrow cluster 🤔

183231bcb You can sorta already do this with a standard qwerty keyboard. Instead of "WASD" keys as arrow replacements, you can use WEDXZA as a six-direction navigation pad.

Of course then you need a way to indicate when you actually want to type those letters.


Maybe some kind of graphical dataflow system like PureData or Fabrik?


@foone hexagon spreadsheet make most sense on HEXAGON MONITORS!

183231bcb Gimme my Penrose tiling spreadsheet!

Actually, I'm quite curious about a 3D spreadsheet. Or, maybe a better name: a 3D spreadspace.

Paul Grimes

@foone why stick to two dimensional simply connected euclidean spaces?

You can tile the hyperbolic plane with heptagons

Simon Green

@foone *Slaps spreadsheet* Yep this baby’s got 6 degrees of freedom…

Kat :neopossum_box: Alright, someone on here needs to make MCEscxell

yomna ♥ يمنى

@foone this with all the k-uniform tilings would be sick (and probably not useful)



@foone best I can do is a TSR (yes, as in Terminate-and-Stay-Resident) FRACTAL spreadsheet


@oblomov @foone if infinitely nesting spreadsheets is enough for you, then you can simply use TreeSheets, which is actively maintained, and even useful, for the type of person who wants to use org-mode but doesn't like plain text very much.


@foone what about a penrose tiling spreadsheet.


@foone hexagons are the bestagons, after all

Григорий Клюшников

a möbius spreadsheet you can scroll in all directions that never ends

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