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Markus Göllnitz

@bragefuglseth The "Download On" baseline aligns with the arrow of the Flathub logo. The "Get It On" does not. 🥲

Brage Fuglseth

@camelCaseNick That applies for *English*, but the badge is available in many other languages too! And making that happen automatically for all of them is impossible.

I also think this is mostly a matter of getting used to it, as Google Play has had a similar design for ages without anyone complaining 🙂

Brage Fuglseth

@camelCaseNick oh wait, I misread your comment. Didn’t notice the alignment in the previous one myself, and I’m not sure if the lack of it in the new one matters all that much 😄

Markus Göllnitz

@bragefuglseth Wouldn't be surprised if it didn't matter to most people. Just a random little thing I liked. I'll survive without it, yes.

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