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Eugen Rochko

Mastodon powers over 9,000 different fediverse servers and is used by around a million people every month, but did you know the core engineering team is just two people? Well, I'm delighted to announce that now it's three people! Welcome to the team, @dave!

Stefan Bohacek

@Gargron @dave It's really easy to forget how small the team is given Mastodon's popularity. Wishing Dave, and the rest of the team best of luck!


@Gargron @dave congratulations! Does the Team manage the infrastructure only or also the apps?

Johannes Brakensiek

@Gargron @dave Yes, that‘s the efficiency you get when you work with the people and not against them! Thank you for your work and good luck to the team!

Frozen Canuck

@Gargron @dave pretty remarkable what a small core engineering team has been able to achieve 💜



New Employee Hazing Ritual - answer every request from @dave with: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."

Darrin West

@Gargron @dave 1 million MAU requires 9000 servers? I really worry about the software stack (and $$ overhead) sometimes.

Eugen Rochko

@obviousdwest @dave Mastodon is decentralized. Each server is operated by an independent organization or individual and can host anywhere from a single user to over a million people.

Jim Jones

@Gargron Congratulations, @dave! And congratulations also to the core engineering team!


@Gargron @dave Thank you for building this place, and for the pilgrims who have migrated here and made this home.


@Gargron @dave kann bitte jmd erklären, wie das ist: ist doch alles frei und unlizensiert, sodass jeder entwickeln und sich dem Fediverse anschließen kann? wofür also überhaupt werden Angestellte/Entwickler gebraucht? was wird von Mastodon gGmbH entwickelt und entschieden, was niemand anderes entwickelt/entscheidet?

frage ich, die keine Ahnung von Technik und Unternehmen hat, bitte also um Nachsicht ;)


@Gargron @dave two people till now. This shows how much difference a team of two can make.

Tony Snyder

@Gargron @dave @stroughtonsmith that is absolutely insane. And incredible all at the same time.


Only 2-3 engineers in the core engineer team!! OMG! your guys are quite awesome! Soo amazing prolificacy!
@Gargron @dave


@Gargron @dave Three is a perfect number. Always has been.


Let's help make Mastodon the most popular site because it's participants are smart, respectful, and creative.


@Gargron @dave

thanks guys, you have created something very special.


@Gargron @dave Somewhere in the space/time continuum, #JohnMastodon smiles down benevolently at the multitudes partaking in engaging social discourse provided by the Fediverse.

Lydia Schoch

@Gargron @dave Welcome. Thank you all for keeping things running.

bananabob :tinoflag:

@Gargron @dave Welcom Dave and thanks to all 3 of you for your work.


@Gargron @isotopp @dave 50% growth?

Do that once a year and soon you'll have more devs than Google! 😁

LA Legault 🍉

@Gargron @dave @LillyHerself

Can someone ask Eugene if he can review my soft block of my profile again because the mod I keep appealing to does not seem to have a very good command of the English language?

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