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Shauna GM

Slack just announced they're deleting most of the message history of workspaces on the free plan.

They are not giving groups a chance to save their older messages. We still only have access to last 90 days.

Options are: buy a paid plan for a month and use it to download your archives, or abandon your workspace history.

May be able to hack this with free trials but either way it's a reminder that VC funding will run out and the free things you've come to rely upon will be used to exploit you.

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@shauna I've been playing with Zulip recently, and I really like it. There's a "topic" feature that still baffles me, but overall, it's very usable, open source (Apache 2.0), and available as a SaaS from the main maintainers.

Shauna GM

@wcbdata I love Zulip, if it were up to me all my groups would be on there, but unfortunately network effects make it hard to convince people to use a new tool.

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@shauna Yeah, I feel similarly about Discord and Insta. We still don't have strong enough alternatives to have dragged over a critical mass!

Mr. Completely

@shauna @wcbdata have you compared to mattermost? Thanks for the rec either way

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@mrcompletely @shauna From my perspective, the SaaS cost was quite a bit higher for Mattermost, and we didn't need some of the more advanced security features they market in defense & financial settings. I also liked that Zulip's marketing and community spaces were nearly completely devoid of AI references, whereas Mattermost is all over AI (and, with ties to Matrix, still into crypto/blockchain). I'd rather a platform that doesn't seek to exploit its customers.

Mr. Completely

@wcbdata @shauna certainly. My one use of mattermost has been driven by a stakeholder audit requirement of on-prem hosting. I'm not exactly in love with it. Thanks a lot for the info


@shauna do They give you an out to download archives or something?

Shauna GM

@Mushi yes ish. only for public channels


@shauna I'd reccommend you move to Mattermost, if you can, do a self install...


@Mushi @shauna Just did this recently. Super easy to setup


@shauna I'm thinking of going to matrix. I mean I have people I trust there - plus, I know my convos aren't going to be used for inference.

argv minus one


Matrix has that rather ill-behaved parent company…

What about XMPP with OMEMO?


Blaise Pabón

FWIW, Matrix has the best security features and the most interoperability, if those are concerns.
I run my own Matrix server and, as much as I want to love it, the reference implementations have too many dials and levers. It requires a lot of effort to trim down. did a nice job of making a simpler client, by moving the complexity from the app to the pronunciation. :unimpressedmsn:

@sri @shauna

FWIW, Matrix has the best security features and the most interoperability, if those are concerns.
I run my own Matrix server and, as much as I want to love it, the reference implementations have too many dials and levers. It requires a lot of effort to trim down. did a nice job of making a simpler client, by moving the complexity from the app to the pronunciation. :unimpressedmsn:


@blaise @argv_minus_one @shauna oh interesting -

I was going to go with a hosting and let them manage all that. :D


@argv_minus_one @shauna well, we use matrix extensively in the GNOME space and so I know a few of the employees who work there - so I have a good recourse to ask questions if I have problems.

I've always had a pretty good response from Matthew and others.

argv minus one


If you don't control it (i.e. FOSS, and either on-prem or easily migrated to a different host), it can be used to control *you*.


@shauna I still don't get why people still rely on free services.

Shauna GM

@chowwiwang networks effects, better usability, better accessibility, more integrations, they literally don't know about other options, they don't have the time/energy to learn a new tool, there's lots of potential reasons


@shauna I guess you're right. I am probably just spoiled by techie knowledge of what's out there.


@chowwiwang @shauna Yeah if something is providing enough value that losing access to it is such a disaster, then surely it's worth paying for

Shauna GM

@JustJimmy @chowwiwang

it would cost my main Slack group about $5600 a month to go to a paid plan, which is about twice our total budget and thus a total non-starter. I'd *love* to pay a more reasonable amount for a better service, and I'd do so for a community of tech nerds that can be relied upon to navigate an unfamiliar service, but it wouldn't work for our community

Carl B. Latro

This on the day MTV just got erased. :((


@shauna It's really a reminder that nothing is ever "free" if it comes from a corporation and you don't have access to the source code that runs the service to be and to DIY. You are the product or they will eventually shut the door behind you and tell you to pay up or else.

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