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Shauna GM

@wcbdata I love Zulip, if it were up to me all my groups would be on there, but unfortunately network effects make it hard to convince people to use a new tool.

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@shauna Yeah, I feel similarly about Discord and Insta. We still don't have strong enough alternatives to have dragged over a critical mass!

Mr. Completely

@shauna @wcbdata have you compared to mattermost? Thanks for the rec either way

Bill's in the shop for repairs

@mrcompletely @shauna From my perspective, the SaaS cost was quite a bit higher for Mattermost, and we didn't need some of the more advanced security features they market in defense & financial settings. I also liked that Zulip's marketing and community spaces were nearly completely devoid of AI references, whereas Mattermost is all over AI (and, with ties to Matrix, still into crypto/blockchain). I'd rather a platform that doesn't seek to exploit its customers.

Mr. Completely

@wcbdata @shauna certainly. My one use of mattermost has been driven by a stakeholder audit requirement of on-prem hosting. I'm not exactly in love with it. Thanks a lot for the info

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