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@shauna I still don't get why people still rely on free services.

Shauna GM

@chowwiwang networks effects, better usability, better accessibility, more integrations, they literally don't know about other options, they don't have the time/energy to learn a new tool, there's lots of potential reasons


@shauna I guess you're right. I am probably just spoiled by techie knowledge of what's out there.


@chowwiwang @shauna Yeah if something is providing enough value that losing access to it is such a disaster, then surely it's worth paying for

Shauna GM

@JustJimmy @chowwiwang

it would cost my main Slack group about $5600 a month to go to a paid plan, which is about twice our total budget and thus a total non-starter. I'd *love* to pay a more reasonable amount for a better service, and I'd do so for a community of tech nerds that can be relied upon to navigate an unfamiliar service, but it wouldn't work for our community

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