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@shauna I'm thinking of going to matrix. I mean I have people I trust there - plus, I know my convos aren't going to be used for inference.

argv minus one


Matrix has that rather ill-behaved parent company…

What about XMPP with OMEMO?


Blaise Pabón

FWIW, Matrix has the best security features and the most interoperability, if those are concerns.
I run my own Matrix server and, as much as I want to love it, the reference implementations have too many dials and levers. It requires a lot of effort to trim down. did a nice job of making a simpler client, by moving the complexity from the app to the pronunciation. :unimpressedmsn:

@sri @shauna

FWIW, Matrix has the best security features and the most interoperability, if those are concerns.
I run my own Matrix server and, as much as I want to love it, the reference implementations have too many dials and levers. It requires a lot of effort to trim down. did a nice job of making a simpler client, by moving the complexity from the app to the pronunciation. :unimpressedmsn:


@blaise @argv_minus_one @shauna oh interesting -

I was going to go with a hosting and let them manage all that. :D


@argv_minus_one @shauna well, we use matrix extensively in the GNOME space and so I know a few of the employees who work there - so I have a good recourse to ask questions if I have problems.

I've always had a pretty good response from Matthew and others.

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