I found a document that explained this meant there was a fault in the pothole protection board.
Not knowing what that was, I then searched for "pothole board sinoboom" and found that there are limit switches which detect that these little side-plates which swing out as the lift goes up have actually deployed. The board wasn't seeing that switch input.
So, I figured out where that switch was and discovered it was sticking. I exercised it a bit and the lift was fixed.
Troubleshooting is a skill. I don't know how exactly it can be taught, but we should absolutely be teaching it.
I have never used a scissor lift in my life prior to this point but I know enough about machines now to realize something is wrong. And with an error code, the machine will tell you what's wrong.
It's up to you to connect these things together - and that's honestly a guiding light in my work.