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Eugen Rochko

@jason There are many secondary features that are still to be added. We've prioritized the big ones at the start. Great domain by the way!

Jason Friedrich

@Gargron Thank you, I stumbled upon it by accident 😄. I did not know the domain before. Thanks for the clarification regarding the app, good to hear that it is "known" and not a bug, just a feature that hasn't made the cut yet. By the way, I just realized that my "explore -> news" tab empty. I am not sure how this tab is filled with data, can you point me to some documentation about it? I was not very successful so far in finding something about that section. Thanks in advance 😁

Jason Friedrich

@Gargron Also, thank you so much for your hard work on managing the storm on Must be challenging at the moment, but great job managing all this and also explaining it to people. Kudos!

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