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Григорий Клюшников

Why do people even use "mail providers", why is that a thing? Just set up postfix on your own server. Takes an hour or two to follow the instructions to configure it, and then you never touch it again.


@grishka Deliverability, some providers even block incoming/outgoing ports like mine lol

Gavin Chait 🧸

@grishka @dansup my experience is that the big mail services - Google, Microsoft - will block everything coming from a small server, no matter how perfectly configured. There's no recourse, no way to appeal, so we all end up paying more to buy services we could run ourselves.

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@grishka @dansup I have a dynamic residential IP which makes it impossible to take it off the blacklists. (And I am not sure there even are tools to make email work with dynamic IPs)

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@lyyn @grishka @dansup You could try a service like Ngrok or Serveo for tunnelling

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@pixelcode @grishka @dansup I do use frp and dyndns, the problem is making it all work with email (DNS entries, IP blacklist removal, all that).

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