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Mailgun has only gotten worse over time, luckily I found a new mail provider for @loops and will be switching over my other sites soon

I'm moving to

Jigme Datse

@dansup @loops Much of the spam I get is through mailgun. So, from the mail server owner perspective, I'd agree. But it sounds like you're using them as a service.

Sander van Kasteel

@dansup to which mail provider are you gonna switch over ?

Григорий Клюшников

Why do people even use "mail providers", why is that a thing? Just set up postfix on your own server. Takes an hour or two to follow the instructions to configure it, and then you never touch it again.


@grishka Deliverability, some providers even block incoming/outgoing ports like mine lol

Gavin Chait 🧸

@grishka @dansup my experience is that the big mail services - Google, Microsoft - will block everything coming from a small server, no matter how perfectly configured. There's no recourse, no way to appeal, so we all end up paying more to buy services we could run ourselves.

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@grishka @dansup I have a dynamic residential IP which makes it impossible to take it off the blacklists. (And I am not sure there even are tools to make email work with dynamic IPs)

Pixelcode 🇺🇦

@lyyn @grishka @dansup You could try a service like Ngrok or Serveo for tunnelling

Lyyn ☮️🦄 #2024-02-16

@pixelcode @grishka @dansup I do use frp and dyndns, the problem is making it all work with email (DNS entries, IP blacklist removal, all that).


@dansup @loops been on mailgun for several clients for, jeez, over 6 years. I've not seen issues, curious what's gotten worse?

My clients use it for client communication, is your use case different?


@Brahn @loops I've been experiencing delivery issues with Mailgun recently, I'm not sure why as we only use this to send transactional emails to verify emails

I'd understand deliverability issues with marketing emails or whatever, but when Mailgun responds with an error when attempting to send a email verification email or password reset mail, it leaves a bad impression to our users.

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