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His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@shoq I get what you're saying. Also, Hitler was released from prison in late 1924 when he was 35 years old. Trump is 77. Just sayin'. :)


@teleskiguy MAGAs have never cared a lick about Donald Trump’s age, health, intellect, character, integrity, honestly, business acumen, bankruptcies, or humanity. So I’m not sure of your point.

His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@shoq My clumsy point aside (age difference between fascists a hundred years apart) do you think after today's events the MAGA movement will grow? I don't think it will.

Coreyartus Imagery

@teleskiguy @shoq I think the Republican response today proves you wrong. This is just going to entrench all those people who’ve drunk the koolaid.


@Coreyartus @teleskiguy @shoq this is just the first wave of the gorilla squad beating their chest. They don’t have a plan for what to do next.

Mensch Meier :anarchismred:

@shoq His brain is deteriorating by the minute. This election is his last shot. When the next one comes around, I would be surprised if he is even able to speak comprehensibly (relatively listening to him now) at all.
I don't think you win an election with just your cult, you need chunks of the undecided voters. I don't think a display such as this trial is and was help with that. @teleskiguy


@Vaniaji @pelha @teleskiguy @shoq
Quick, someone set up to help him get unlimited access to McDonald's in jail. We're just one infarction away from being free of him.


@IntentionallyBLANK @Vaniaji @pelha @teleskiguy @shoq but the MAGA crew will continue. I haven’t heard any plans on how to deal with them in a post-Trump world.


@dsmasterson @Vaniaji @pelha @teleskiguy @shoq
That's fair, but he's kind of unique in his ability to rile people and attract attention. I'd be more concerned if there was another charismatic would-be cult leader of equal proportions waiting in the wings. So far, I don't see any living meme cult leaders with Hitlerian aspirations looming in the wings.

We're not necessarily safe when he's finally gone on to his eternal reward, but I don't think we will be in as much danger as we currently are.

@dsmasterson @Vaniaji @pelha @teleskiguy @shoq
That's fair, but he's kind of unique in his ability to rile people and attract attention. I'd be more concerned if there was another charismatic would-be cult leader of equal proportions waiting in the wings. So far, I don't see any living meme cult leaders with Hitlerian aspirations looming in the wings.


@IntentionallyBLANK Cult leaders are notoriously hard to replace and I agree the #GOP bench is as shallow as a wading pool. #USPol #tRump


@Pineywoozle @IntentionallyBLANK That's the fault of the #GOP itself, really. One might massively disagree with the policies of e.g. #MittRomney, but he is on a totally different level than the current gaggle of #MAGAts.

Rae Patterson

@IntentionallyBLANK @dsmasterson @Vaniaji @pelha @teleskiguy @shoq

I remember when DeSantis was feared as a "Trump with brains," but he turned out to have all the charisma of cold pancakes with no syrup, and not too many brains either.

que :verifried:

@pelha @teleskiguy @shoq you probably should hope that he stays around long enough to avoid leaving a vacuum for someone else to fill.

His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@que @pelha @shoq Would love to hear who you think would fill this vacuum.

que :verifried:

@teleskiguy @pelha @shoq no idea, and dont really want to waste energy on it tbh :)

His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@que @pelha @shoq That's fair. Just keep names like J.D. Vance (Republican US Senator from Ohio) and Josh Hawley (Republican US Senator from Missouri) and Tom Cotton (Republican US Senator from Arkansas) in mind. Peace be with you.

Christian Kent

@teleskiguy @shoq Good point. Relevant point. Wonder if it’s enough.

His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@ckent @shoq We're talking on the Fediverse, which has been going on for well over 10 years…

What do we do?


@teleskiguy @shoq with 77 he should be wiser and not such an ….

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