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@teleskiguy MAGAs have never cared a lick about Donald Trump’s age, health, intellect, character, integrity, honestly, business acumen, bankruptcies, or humanity. So I’m not sure of your point.

His Teleness The Charlie Lama

@shoq My clumsy point aside (age difference between fascists a hundred years apart) do you think after today's events the MAGA movement will grow? I don't think it will.

Coreyartus Imagery

@teleskiguy @shoq I think the Republican response today proves you wrong. This is just going to entrench all those people who’ve drunk the koolaid.


@Coreyartus @teleskiguy @shoq this is just the first wave of the gorilla squad beating their chest. They don’t have a plan for what to do next.

Mensch Meier :anarchismred:

@shoq His brain is deteriorating by the minute. This election is his last shot. When the next one comes around, I would be surprised if he is even able to speak comprehensibly (relatively listening to him now) at all.
I don't think you win an election with just your cult, you need chunks of the undecided voters. I don't think a display such as this trial is and was help with that. @teleskiguy

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