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Simon Poole

@amapanda @Melaskia @zverik @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

... Note on the side compared to WP even iD makes contributing trivial so we are not talking about a high bar to entry to start with.

I had a longer discussion on a related topic with @zverik here

Simon Poole

@amapanda @Melaskia @zverik @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

My hypothesis is that making things easier also reduces the value of leaning how to contribute and makes the whole thing less of a rewarding pastime.

There are naturally similar scenarios in all areas of human endeavour.

Simon Poole

@amapanda @Melaskia @zverik @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

Back on the maintenance topic.

There has been this concept that this would be done by the drive by contributors that the "simple" tools are targeted at, and while that can't be completely dismissed, just the volume and nature of what has to be maintained would suggest that that is not going to happen.

Just consider that it isn't really #OpenStreetMap these days ...

Simon Poole replied to Simon

@amapanda @Melaskia @zverik @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

.. but more "OpenBuildingMap" keeping that up to date, regardless of (insert you fav buzz word here) tooling is simply uninteresting drudgery that is only going to be done by people that are actually committed to the cause. ...

Simon Poole replied to Simon

@amapanda @Melaskia @zverik @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief


Factor in the difference in contribution volume between incidental and even just average regular contributors (easily 10^5) and I believe you can't come to a different conclusion that what we really need is more highly engaged and dedicated contributors.

Ilya Zverev replied to Simon

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief Yeah I came to a similar conclusion. Not dismissing drive-by contributors from OMaps and SC — they are essential because some map is better than no map.

But I really don't know how to find highly engaged contributors. How to find people that look at the map and think, oh, okay, this might be the thing to which I will devote every day of the rest of my life.

All I can do is make tools to ease and speed up our work, so we focus on fun bits.

Ilya Zverev replied to Ilya

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief One obvious way I can think of is publicity. As I mentioned on the strategy thread ( ), nobody knows about OpenStreetMap, and I see people on Mastodon discovering the joy of mapping every day. That's partly because media is eager to write about GMaps' spending millions, but not about how mapping has become accessible and fun and fulfilling twenty years ago.

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief One obvious way I can think of is publicity. As I mentioned on the strategy thread ( ), nobody knows about OpenStreetMap, and I see people on Mastodon discovering the joy of mapping every day. That's partly because media is eager to write about GMaps' spending millions, but not about how mapping has become accessible and fun and fulfilling...

Ilya Zverev replied to Ilya

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

When OSM is mentioned, it's always boring stuff like "open license", "tech enthusiasts", "used by major corporations", "everyone can register" blah blah.

Not the real things like you could go into a forest or a city, experience it from new sides, learn a lot and share this knowledge with others via mapping with your phone or camera or pen and paper. It makes you smarter and healthier and doesn't require you to learn Python or whatever.

SK53 replied to Ilya

@zverik @simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

This reflects, as much as anything, that #OpenStreetMap is tech dominated. I've been advocating that we try and move away from such narratives for a long time :

"Let’s work so that ordinary folk can actively participate in OpenStreetMap. Geographic knowledge is a universal, we must step away from the techy focus of the first 10 years."

From @opencage interview NINE 9️⃣ years ago!

@zverik @simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

This reflects, as much as anything, that #OpenStreetMap is tech dominated. I've been advocating that we try and move away from such narratives for a long time :

"Let’s work so that ordinary folk can actively participate in OpenStreetMap. Geographic knowledge is a universal, we must step away from the techy focus of the first 10 years."

Ilya Zverev

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief That is actually an excellent point! Because "contributing to OSM" is a non-goal, much like "reading a book" or "caring for the environment".

A goal needs to be achievable (e.g. medals in StreetComplete) and social (so that a person gets some praise). Missing Maps events got that quite right.

For me, OSM is kinda like pokemon: I like to collect everything. That's why @everydoor is like this: clunky but super effective at a scale.

Melaskia replied to Ilya

@zverik @simon @amapanda @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief @everydoor
I am not a big fan of goals. It will motivate some but it will rebut some others.
I think it is more about approaching it through multiple angles and recognizing that there is no single way to solve the problems.

Simon Poole replied to Ilya

@zverik @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

I would nearly completely disagree, we have plenty of experience, with the examples that you mention, how horribly it can go wrong if improving the "map" for yourself and for others is not the primary motivation.

The best positive feedback is things working better for you however you interact with #OpenStreetMap.


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