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Ilya Zverev

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

When OSM is mentioned, it's always boring stuff like "open license", "tech enthusiasts", "used by major corporations", "everyone can register" blah blah.

Not the real things like you could go into a forest or a city, experience it from new sides, learn a lot and share this knowledge with others via mapping with your phone or camera or pen and paper. It makes you smarter and healthier and doesn't require you to learn Python or whatever.

1 comment
SK53 replied to Ilya

@zverik @simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

This reflects, as much as anything, that #OpenStreetMap is tech dominated. I've been advocating that we try and move away from such narratives for a long time :

"Let’s work so that ordinary folk can actively participate in OpenStreetMap. Geographic knowledge is a universal, we must step away from the techy focus of the first 10 years."

From @opencage interview NINE 9️⃣ years ago!

@zverik @simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

This reflects, as much as anything, that #OpenStreetMap is tech dominated. I've been advocating that we try and move away from such narratives for a long time :

"Let’s work so that ordinary folk can actively participate in OpenStreetMap. Geographic knowledge is a universal, we must step away from the techy focus of the first 10 years."

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