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Ilya Zverev

@simon @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief That is actually an excellent point! Because "contributing to OSM" is a non-goal, much like "reading a book" or "caring for the environment".

A goal needs to be achievable (e.g. medals in StreetComplete) and social (so that a person gets some praise). Missing Maps events got that quite right.

For me, OSM is kinda like pokemon: I like to collect everything. That's why @everydoor is like this: clunky but super effective at a scale.

Melaskia replied to Ilya

@zverik @simon @amapanda @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief @everydoor
I am not a big fan of goals. It will motivate some but it will rebut some others.
I think it is more about approaching it through multiple angles and recognizing that there is no single way to solve the problems.

Simon Poole replied to Ilya

@zverik @amapanda @Melaskia @IvanSanchez @luis_in_brief

I would nearly completely disagree, we have plenty of experience, with the examples that you mention, how horribly it can go wrong if improving the "map" for yourself and for others is not the primary motivation.

The best positive feedback is things working better for you however you interact with #OpenStreetMap.


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